Commands by darkon1365 (4)

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Simulate slow network connection locally
Replace 500ms by the desired delay. To remove it: sudo tc qdisc del dev lo root netem delay 500ms

pretend to be busy in office to enjoy a cup of coffee
just make some data scrolling off the terminal. wow.

Download all mp3's listed in an html page

draw honeycomb
Fill the entire terminal screen. Is COLUMNS or LINES are undefined run "resize"

create a .avi with many .jpg

Backup a file with a date-time stamp
$ buf myfile.txt This is useful when you are making small but frequent changes to a file. It keeps things organised and clear for another administrator to see what changed and at what time. An overview of changes can be deduced using a simple: $ ls -ltr

Get http headers for an url

Get ElasticSearch configuration and version details
Replace localhost:9200 with your server location and port. This is the ElasticSearch's default setup for local instances.

wget with resume
I couldn't find this on the site and it's a useful switch. Great for large files.

directory size with subdirectories, sorted list

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