Commands by decasm (1)

What's this? is the place to record those command-line gems that you return to again and again. That way others can gain from your CLI wisdom and you from theirs too. All commands can be commented on, discussed and voted up or down.

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Check These Out

Print a cron formatted time for 2 minutes in the future (for crontab testing)
Another function to stick into your .bashrc This spits out the time two minutes in the future, but already formatted for pasting into your crontab file for testing without any thought required on your part. Frequently things don't work the way you expect inside a crontab job, and you probably want to find out now that your $PATH is completely different inside of cron or other global variables aren't defined. So this will generate a date you can use for testing now, and then later you can change it to run at 5:37 am on a Sunday evening.

Simulate typing

Get Cisco network information
This gives you lots of nifty Cisco network information like VLAN tag, port and switch information.

Router discovery

Kill google chrome process
This one liner is to kill all google chrome tabs. This works similar to $ killall firefox command which is to kill all firefox processes.

Go to the next sibling directory in alphabetical order
Sometimes you have to browse your way through a lot of sub-directories. This command cd to the next sub-directory in alphabetical order. For example, if you have the directories "lectures/01-intro", "lectures/02-basic", "lectures/03-advanced" and so on, and your PWD is "02-basic", it jumps to "03-advanced".

dont execute command just add it to history as a comment, handy if your command is not "complete" yet

list files recursively by size

Open Port Check
also could specify port number: lsof -ni TCP:80

Retrofit a shebang to an existing script
Function to add a shebang to an existing script, handy if you forgot to add it in the first place.

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