Commands by jmcantrell (5)

What's this? is the place to record those command-line gems that you return to again and again. That way others can gain from your CLI wisdom and you from theirs too. All commands can be commented on, discussed and voted up or down.

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Display a random crass ascii art from
Optionally, pipe the output into Or: wget -qO - | sed -n '//,//p' | sed -n '/

convert wav files to flac
cd to the folder containing the wav files, then convert them all to flac. yeah baby! in ubuntu, to get the flac program just: sudo apt-get install flac flac file input formats are wav, aiff, raw, flac, oga and ogg

search for a file in PATH

remove oprhan package on debian based system

Show network throughput
Real gurus don't need fancy tools like iftop or jnettop.

Quickly Encrypt a file with gnupg and email it with mailx
This is a quick and easy way of encrypting files in a datastream, without ever really creating an output file from gpg. Useful with cron also, when file(s) have to be sent based on a set schedule.

Easy way to scroll up und down to change to one of n last visited directories.
This alias is meant to append n (here is n=10) most recently used cd commands to the bottom of history file. This way you can easily change to one of previous visited directories simply by hitting 1-10 times arrow up key. Hint: You can make more aliases implying the same rule for any set of frequently used long and complex commands like: mkisof, rdesktop, gpg...

Replace spaces in filenames with underscores

Delete Empty Directories
Deletes empty directories and prints an error if directory is not empty.

reset an hanging terminal session
when your terminal session seems unrensponsive (this normally happen after outputting some binary data directly on your standard output) it may me saned by hitting: CTRL+J tput sgr0 CTRL+J Note: don't press the Enter key, just ctrl+j

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