bind -x
was added in Bash 4.0 so this does not work with Bash 3.2 which comes with macOS.
was added in Bash 4.1. This makes for example
insert the path of the first file in the current directory after a space when the word to be completed is empty.
is the current line,
is the last word, and
This is useful for converting a piece of text from a browser or a PDF reader to Markdown.
pbpaste -Prefer rtf
no longer works for getting the rich text version of the clipboard.
uses syntax without Pandoc extensions.
disables hard wrapping and
uses ATX headers instead of SETEX headers. You can also use
osascript -e'get the clipboard as"HTML"'|sed 's/«data HTML//;s/»//'|xxd -r -p
to get an HTML version of the clipboard which is included for text copied from a web view in applications like Safari and Chrome.
This also works with Safari if you just change the application name. Replace
window 1
to list the URLs of tabs in all windows instead of only the frontmost window. This also includes titles:
osascript -e{'set o to""','tell app"google chrome"','repeat with t in tabs of window 1','set o to o&url of t&"\n"&" "&title of t&"\n"',end,end}|sed \$d
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