Commands using as (7)

  • Tested on Fedora 12. This function will take a man page and convert it to pdf, saving the output to the current working directory. In Gnome, you can then view the output with "gnome-open file.pdf", or your favorite pdf viewer.

    function man2pdf(){ man -t ${1:?Specify man as arg} | ps2pdf -dCompatibility=1.3 - - > ${1}.pdf; }
    SuperFly · 2009-11-27 12:49:49 13
  • Simply pass an argument to the script to convert the manual page to a PDF: man2pdf drutil

    function man2pdf(){ man -t ${1:?Specify man as arg} | open -f -a preview; }
    piXelz · 2009-02-16 18:29:35 1071
  • Just give it an artist and/or song at the end of the command as shown. Show Sample Output

    python2 -c 'import urllib2 as u, sys as s, json as j, subprocess as p;["mplayer", u.urlopen(j.loads(u.urlopen("" % "+".join(s.argv[1:])).read())["songs"][0]["url"]).geturl().split("#")[0]])' lenny kravitz fly away
    nagev · 2013-09-21 02:25:51 14
  • ZenCart uses a MD5 with a salt to secure its passwords. If you need to forcibly change someone's password to a known value within the database, this one-liner can generate the password. Change the value of 'p' to the password you want. Show Sample Output

    python -c 'p="SeCuR3PwD";import hashlib as h;s=h.md5(p).hexdigest()[:2];pw=h.md5(s+p).hexdigest();print pw+":"+s;'
    Xiol · 2011-10-16 18:49:08 5
  • This also works with Safari if you just change the application name. Replace window 1 with windows to list the URLs of tabs in all windows instead of only the frontmost window. This also includes titles: osascript -e{'set o to""','tell app"google chrome"','repeat with t in tabs of window 1','set o to o&url of t&"\n"&" "&title of t&"\n"',end,end}|sed \$d .

    osascript -e{'set text item delimiters to linefeed','tell app"google chrome"to url of tabs of window 1 as text'}
    lri · 2019-01-22 06:05:55 35
  • Creates a consistent datapumpt export on an Oracle database with the current sequence number, while the system is running and changes happens on the database.

    expdp user/password FLASHBACK_SCN=$(echo -e "select current_scn from v\$database;" | sqlplus / as sysdba 2>/dev/null| grep [0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9]*)
    peshay · 2009-10-01 08:55:20 3
  • # Usage: ftagmarks TAG BOOKMARKS.JSON ftagmarks Bash ~/.mozilla/firefox/*.default/bookmarkbackups/bookmarks-*.json Tag can be partial matching, e.g. input 'Bas' or 'ash' will match 'Bash' tag. # Exact tag matching: ftagmark(){ jq -r --arg t "$1" '.children[] as $i|if $i.root == "tagsFolder" then ([$i.children[] as $j|{title: ($j.title), urls: [$j.children[].uri]}]) else empty end|.[] as $k|if $k.title == $t then $k.urls else empty end|.[]?' "$2"; } Usage: ftagmark TAG BOOKMARKS.JSON # List all tags: ftagmarkl(){ jq -r '.children[] as $i | if $i.root == "tagsFolder" then $i.children[].title else empty end' "$1"; } Usage: ftagmarkl BOOKMARKS.JSON # Requires: `jq` - must have CLI JSON processor Show Sample Output

    ftagmarks(){ jq -r --arg t "$1" '.children[] as $i|if $i.root == "tagsFolder" then ([$i.children[] as $j|{title: ($j.title), urls: [$j.children[].uri]}]) else empty end|.[] as $k|if ($k.title|contains($t)) then $k.urls else empty end|.[]?' "$2"; }
    qwertyroot · 2016-12-24 15:12:04 15

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Check These Out

check open ports without netstat or lsof

Show all symlinks

find out how many days since given date
You can also do this for seconds, minutes, hours, etc... Can't use dates before the epoch, though.

list files recursively by size

Simple multi-user encrypted chat server for 5 users
Client ~$ ncat --ssl localhost 9876 Change localhost to the correct ip address.

Show all LISTENing and open server connections, with port number and process name/pid

List the Sizes of Folders and Directories
I wanted an easy way to list out the sizes of directories and all of the contents of those directories recursively.

split large video file
i have a large video file, 500+ MB, so i cant upload it to flickr, so to reduce the size i split it into 2 files. the command shows the splitting for the first file, from 0-4 minutes. ss is start time and t is duration (how long you want the output file to be). credit goes to philc: NOTE: when i made the second half of the video, i got a *lot* of lines like this: frame= 0 fps= 0 q=0.0 size= 0kB time=10000000000.00 bitrate= 0.0kbit just be patient, it is working =)

Create a tar archive using xz compression
Compress files or a directory to xz format. XZ has superior and faster compression than bzip2 in most cases. XZ is superior to 7zip format because it can save file permissions and other metadata data.

Update zone file Serial numbers
Will edit *.db files in the same directory with todays date. Useful for doing a mass update to domains on a nameserver, adding spf records, etc. Looks for a string starting with 200 or 201 followed by 7 numbers, and replaces with todays date. This won't overwrite Ip's but i would still do some double checking after running this. Make sure your server's date is correct, otherwise insert your own serial number. $rndc reload should usually follow this command.

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