Commands by Xiol (2)

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Timer with sound alarm
I'd prefer this one, you have to install espeak to get this running

ptree equivalent in HP-UX
By setting the UNIX95 variable in HP-UX the XPG4 mode is activated, you get new options for ps and other commands, for me the best way to use this is to create an alias named ptree in root profile: alias ptree='UNIX95=1 ps -eH'

Create a git alias that will pull and fast-forward the current branch if there are no conflicts
This command will first add an alias known only to git, which will allow you to pull a remote and first-forward the current branch. However, if the remote/branch and your branch have diverged, it will stop before actually trying to merge the two, so you can back out the changes. Tested on git, msysgit (Windows port) Actually this is not really the way I want it. I want it to attempt a fast-foward, but not attempt to merge or change my working copy. Unfortunately git pull doesn't have that functionality (yet?).

Screen enable/disable loggin in all windows
The command when added in screenrc enables logging all open windows by using the C-l (control-l key combination) and disable by C-o . The lines need to be added in separate lines .

Delete an IPtable rules based on row number

Ctrl+S Ctrl+Q terminal output lock and unlock
These are simple shortcuts to pause and continue terminal output, works in most terminals and screen multiplexers like screen. You can use it to catch something if things change too fast, and scroll with Shift + PgUp PgDown. On linux console ScrollLock can also be used.

Lists all clients of a Squid proxy
Generates the list of clients (IPs addresses) that have used the Squid webproxy according to the most recent log. Every IP appears only once in the list.

small CPU benchmark with PI, bc and time.
$ # 4 cores with 2500 pi digits $ CPUBENCH 4 2500 $. $ every core will use 100% cpu and you can see how fast they calculate it. $ if you do 50000 digitits and more it can take hours or days

Recursively change permissions on files, leave directories alone.

Which processes are listening on a specific port (e.g. port 80)
swap out "80" for your port of interest. Can use port number or named ports e.g. "http"

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