Commands by rjamestaylor (4)

  • Although Exim will purge frozen (undeliverable) messages over time, the command "exim -Mrm #id#" where #id# is a particular message ID will purge a message immediately. Being lazy, I don't want to type the command for each frozen message, so I wrote the one-liner to do it for me.

    for i in `mailq | awk '$6 ~ /^frozen$/ {print $3}'`; do exim -Mrm $i; done
    rjamestaylor · 2010-01-13 21:28:45 4
  • Show the maximum settings in effect for PHP at the command line. Show Sample Output

    php -i|grep -i max
    rjamestaylor · 2009-02-20 03:29:11 6
  • Ever logged into a *nix box and needed to know which webserver is running and where all the current access_log files are? Run this one liner to find out. Works for Apache or Lighttpd as long as CustomLog name is somewhat standard. HINT: works great as input into for loop, like this: for i in `lsof -p $(netstat -ltpn|awk '$4 ~ /:80$/ {print substr($7,1,index($7,"/")-1)}')| awk '$9 ~ /access.log$/ {print $9| "sort -u"}'` ; do echo $i; done Very useful for triage on unfamiliar servers! Show Sample Output

    lsof -p $(netstat -ltpn|awk '$4 ~ /:80$/ {print substr($7,1,index($7,"/")-1)}')| awk '$9 ~ /access.log$/ {print $9| "sort -u"}'
    rjamestaylor · 2009-02-19 16:11:54 7
  • Ever need to know why Apache is bogging down *right now*? Hate scanning Apache's Extended server-status for the longest running requests? Me, too. That's why I use this one liner to quickly find suspect web scripts that might need review. Assuming the Extended server-status is reachable at the target URL desired, this one-liner parses the output through elinks (rendering the HTML) and shows a list of active requests sorted by longest running request at the bottom of the list. I include the following fields (as noted in the header line): Seconds: How long the request is alive PID: Process ID of the request handler State: State of the request, limited to what I think are the relevant ones (GCRK_.) IP: Remote Host IP making the request Domain: Virtual Host target (HTTP/1.1 Host: header). Important for Virtual Hosting servers TYPE: HTTP verb URL: requested URL being served. Putting this in a script that runs when triggered by high load average can be quite revealing. Can also capture "forgotten" scripts being exploited such as "", etc. Show Sample Output

    links --dump 1 http://localhost/server-status|grep ^[0-9]|awk 'BEGIN {print "Seconds, PID, State, IP, Domain, TYPE, URL\n--"} $4 !~ /[GCRK_.]/ {print $6, $2, $4, $11, $12, $13 " " $14|"sort -n"}'
    rjamestaylor · 2009-02-19 13:06:44 12

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Check These Out

Every Nth line position # (SED)
sed extract every nth line. Generic is: $ sed -n 'STARTPOSITION,${p;n;*LINE}' foo where n;*LINE = how many lines. thus p;n;n; is "for every 3 lines" and p;n;n;n;n; is "for every 5 lines"

Gets the english pronunciation of a phrase
Sends a string to google tranlator, which converts it to English speech. It's possible to create a nice script to do the job for us, such as #!/bin'bash curl -A "Mozilla" "$1" > /tmp/speak.mp3 mplayer /tmp/speak.mp3

Show all detected mountable Drives/Partitions/BlockDevices
Yields entries in the form of "/dev/hda1" etc. Use this if you are on a new system and don't know how the storage hardware (ide, sata, scsi, usb - with ever changing descriptors) is connected and which partitions are available. Far better than using "fdisk -l" on guessed device descriptors.

Detect illegal access to kernel space, potentially useful for Meltdown detection
Based on capsule8 agent examples, not rigorously tested

syncronizing datas beetween two folder (A and B) excluding some directories in A (dir1 and dir2)

Create a false directory structure for testing your commands
This will make a false directory with the same file names as whatever directory you choose. This is wise to use when testing scripts that alter contents, filenames, or move files. I wrote this after an OOPS I made when renaming a directory of JPGs, PNGs, PSDs that were mixed. I recommend this as I lost over 2000 vacation pictures and some graphics I designed for software and web sites. :( NOTE: This only creates name copies, that data itself is not copied.

Fire CMD every time FILE (or directory) is updated (on *BSD)

Rename files in batch

Combines an arbitrary number of transparent png files into one file
This one liner; combines all sequentially numbered files; in this example IMG_0001.png to IMG_1121.png by generating the shell script, making the shell script executable and then running the shell script to combine the 1121 png into a single png file named _final.png tested on Mac OS X 10.6.3 with ImageMagick 6.5.8-0 2009-11-22 Q16

sed edit-in-place using -a option instead of -i option (no tmp file created)
does the -i option open a tmp file? this method does not.

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