Commands by sgnn7 (2)

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Delete empty directories recursively

Download a file and uncompress it while it downloads
This will uncompress the file while it's being downloaded which makes it much faster

strace like SystemTap script
The stap script is : #! /usr/bin/env stap probe syscall.* { if (pid() == target()) printf("%s %s\n", name, argstr); }

Put the machine to sleep after the download(wget) is done
[Note: This command needs to be run as root]. If you are downloading something large at night, you can start wget as a normal user and issue the above command as root. When the download is done, the computer will automatically go to sleep. If at any time you feel the computer should not go to sleep automatically(like if you find the download still continuing in the morning), just create an empty file called nosleep in /tmp directory.

Run a command as root, with a delay
$ sleep 1h ; sudo command or $ sudo sleep 1h ; sudo command won't work, because by the time the delay is up, sudo will want your password again.

scheduled jobs

Convert JSON to YAML

Insert a line for each n lines

Jump up to any directory above the current one
Usage: upto directory

pretend to be busy in office to enjoy a cup of coffee
Dialog's gauge widget accepts progress updates on stdin. This version runs dialog once and updates it every second. There's no need to use timeout which causes screen flicker since it restarts dialog for each update.

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