Commands tagged qemu (4)

  • Converts a .vdi file to a .vmdk file for use in a vmware virtual machine. The benefit: using this method actually works. There are others out there that claim to give you a working .vmdk by simply using the qemu-img command alone. Doing that only results in pain for you because the .vmdk file will be created with no errors, but it won't boot either. Be advised that these conversions are very disk-intensive by nature; you are probably dealing with disk images several gigabytes in size. Once finished, the process of using the new .vmdk file is left as an exercise to the reader. Show Sample Output

    VBoxManage internalcommands converttoraw winxp.vdi winxp.raw && qemu-img convert -O vmdk winxp.raw winxp.vmdk && rm winxp.raw
    linuxrawkstar · 2009-10-12 16:23:37 5
  • After downloading an ISO image, assuming you have QEMU installed, it’s possible to boot an ISO image in a virtual machine and then install that ISO from within the virtual machine directly to a physical drive, bypassing the need to reboot. Simply pass the ISO image as the -cdrom parameter, followed by “format=raw,file=/dev/sdb” (replace /dev/sdb with the drive you want to install to) as the hard drive parameter (making absolutely certain to specify the raw format, of course). Once you boot into the ISO image with QEMU, just run the installer as if it were a virtual machine — it’ll just use the physical device as an install target. After that, you’ll be able to seamlessly boot multiple distros (or even other operating systems) at once.

    sudo qemu-system-x86_64 -bios /usr/share/ovmf/x64/OVMF.fd -accel kvm -boot d -cdrom ubuntu-21.10-desktop-amd64.iso -drive format=raw,file=/dev/sdb -m 4096
    realkstrawn93 · 2021-11-04 22:50:57 761
  • Unlock your VMS to avoid problems after some failed tasks ended. Show Sample Output

    for i in $(qm list | awk '{ print $1 }' | grep -v VMID); do echo "Unlocking:" $i; qm unlock $i; echo "Unlocked"; done
    arkalira · 2018-09-13 08:35:12 474
  • This is based on the Windows Version of VirtualBox. From the /? ... VBoxManage clonehd | [--format VDI|VMDK|VHD|RAW|] [--variant Standard,Fixed,Split2G,Stream,ESX] [--type normal|writethrough|immutable|shareable] [--remember] [--existing] From the online help.. VBoxManage clonehd This command duplicates a registered virtual hard disk image to a new image file with a new unique identifier (UUID). The new image can be transferred to another host system or imported into VirtualBox again using the Virtual Media Manager; see the section called ?The Virtual Media Manager? and the section called ?Cloning disk images?. The syntax is as follows: VBoxManage clonehd | [--format VDI|VMDK|VHD|RAW|] [--variant Standard,Fixed,Split2G,Stream,ESX] [--type normal|writethrough|immutable] [--remember] where the parameters mean: format Allow to choose a file format for the output file different from the file format of the input file. variant Allow to choose a file format variant for the output file. It is a comma-separated list of variant flags. Not all combinations are supported, and specifying inconsistent flags will result in an error message. type Only honored if --remember is also specified. Defines what kind of hard disk type this image should be. remember Keep the destination image registered after it was successfully written. Show Sample Output

    vboxmanage clonehd --format VMDK <source image|uuid> <destination image>
    dreffed · 2010-10-04 16:42:12 4

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