If you would like to edit a previous command, which might be long and complicated, you can use the fc (I think it stands for fix command). Invoke fc alone will edit the last command using the default editor (specified by $FCEDIT, $EDITOR, or emacs, in that order). After you make the changes in the editor, save and exit to execute that command. The fc command is more flexible than what I have described. Please 'man bash' for more information.
See all fonts installed in your system Show Sample Output
I didn't come up with this myself, but I always add this to my .bash_aliases file. It's essentially the same idea as running "sudo !!" except it's much easier to type. (You can't just alias "sudo !!", it doesn't really work for reasons I don't understand.)
"fc" is a shell built-in for editing and re-running previous commands. The -l flag tells it to display the line rather than edit it, and the -n command tells it to omit the line number. -1 tells it to print the previous line.
For more detail:
help fc
this command will install the packages which provides the libraries you need to link with, e.g. when you compile something needs opengl libraries: gcc -o testgl testgl.c -lGLEW -lGL -lGLU -lglut you can use `/usr/lib/libGLEW.so /usr/lib/libGL.so /usr/lib/libGLU.so /usr/lib/libglut.so'
List all font names installed in the system. Useful for TeX. Show Sample Output
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