Checking: ./ d95a72eb35820cc1dc3d750b53090b78 1318649640 NO_DATA Checking: ./B_Malware_210911/soft.exe 52ca815d29da154fc1dff687505feab3 1318649641 NO_DATA Checking: ./B_Malware_210911/sistem_nod.exe 6325547dd016d2e47e258396dc695ed7 1316696641 18 Checking: ./B_Malware_210911/yabotovrot.exe 33b76caf40a7ac013fded283b0f87c1e 1317442076 39 Checking: ./cat 332fc925297433af694c835afb8609f7 1318649646 NO_DATA Checking: ./alot_symbolleiste_lexika_installer.exe 7cf02c378e195a85f586bbb83f7f4660 1318649647 NO_DATA
This command does something similar using dig which is usually more available. Show Sample Output
Any thoughts on this command? Does it work on your machine? Can you do the same thing with only 14 characters?
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