Commands by CharlieInCO (4)

What's this? is the place to record those command-line gems that you return to again and again. That way others can gain from your CLI wisdom and you from theirs too. All commands can be commented on, discussed and voted up or down.

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Check These Out

Find the package that installed a command

Instead of saying RTFM!

Find the top 10 directories containing the highest number of files
It can be used to pinpoint the path(s) where the largest number of files resides when running out of free i-nodes

Find the package that installed a command

Set all CPU cores' CPU frequency scaling governor to maximum performance

Delete a file/directory walking subdirectories (bash4 or zsh)

distribution specific information

Edit a PDF's metadata using exiftool
Edit the pdf file foo.pdf's metadata. -overwrite_original overwrites the original file (w/o it exiftool creates a new file)

Exclude inserting a table from a sql import
Starting with a large MySQL dump file (*.sql) remove any lines that have inserts for the specified table. Sometimes one or two tables are very large and uneeded, eg. log tables. To exclude multiple tables you can get fancy with sed, or just run the command again on subsequently generated files.

Clean up poorly named TV shows.
Replace 'SHOWNAME' with the name of the TV show. Add -n to test the command without renaming files. Check the 'sample output'.

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