Commands by kiiwii (4)

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Colorful man
That command installs "most" and make this command as the default man reader. The "most" works like "less" (the current man reader), but it render colors for manpages and may do more things. Read "man most". You can see a preview here:

pushd rotates the stack so that the second directory comes at the top.
'pushd +1' is equivalent to 'pushd'. Can be 'pushd +3' or more generaly 'pushd +N'. Can also be 'pushd -N'. More description in 'man bash'.

files and directories in the last 1 hour
added alias in ~/.bashrc alias lf='find ./* -ctime -1 | xargs ls -ltr --color'

List subfolders from largest to smallest with sizes in human readable form

Geolocate a given IP address
Defines a function to geolocate a given IP address; if none supplied, will default to your external IP address.

Makes the permissions of file2 the same as file1
Also works with: $chgrp --reference file1 file2 $chown --reference file1 file2

remove the last of all html files in a directory
sed can be used deleting the last line and with -i option, there's no need to for temp files, the change is made on the actual file

improve copy file over ssh showing progress
You set the file/dirname transfer variable, in the end point you set the path destination, this command uses pipe view to show progress, compress the file outut and takes account to change the ssh cipher. Support dirnames with spaces. Merged ideas and comments by and

Add line number count as C-style comments
I often find the need to number enumerations and other lists when programming. With this command, create a new file called 'inputfile' with the text you want to number. Paste the contents of 'outputfile' back into your source file and fix the tabbing if necessary. You can also change this to output hex numbering by changing the "%02d" to "%02x". If you need to start at 0 replace "NR" with "NR-1". I adapted this from

List the CPU model name
Extracts the model name of the CPU and displays it on screen.

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