Commands by nkorth (1)

What's this? is the place to record those command-line gems that you return to again and again. That way others can gain from your CLI wisdom and you from theirs too. All commands can be commented on, discussed and voted up or down.

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Check These Out

Add all files not under subversion control

Find all dotfiles and dirs
find makes it easier, filtering . and .. maxdepth could be removed, finding entries recursively. Removing mindepth causes . to appear

Copy modification timestamp from one file to another.

find co-ordinates of a location
Alternative to with $* instead of $1 so no need to quote multi-word locations

Capture FTP Credentials and Commands

Mount an smb share on linux
Mount an smb share with this command. other options -ousername=$USERr,gid=$groupname,scope=rw

Create a new file

Alias for quick command-line volume set (works also remotely via SSH)
If you're addicted to command-line solutions of ordinary actions or if you just want to set your volume from bed via mobile phone SSH, you can set this alias and use it as $ setvol 50 for setting volume on 50% gain Works only with ALSA, tested on Ubuntu 8.10. Give me some info about your experience. TIP: Try aslo command "mute" to toggle mute/unmute sound. But I don't know if this works on all distros.

Copy specific files to another machine, keeping the file hierarchy
Notes: * Adjust the find command to your own filters. * The -P flag forces to keep absolute paths in the tarball, so that you can be sure that the exact same file hierarchy will be created on the second machine.

Finding the fingerprint of a given certificate

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