Check These Out
This is useful when you're diffing two files of the same name in radically different directory trees. For example:
$ path1='/some/long/convoluted/path/to/all/of/your/source/from/a/long/dead/machine'
$ path2='/local/version/of/same/file'
then run the command. Much easier on the eyes when you're looking back across your command history, especially if you're doing the same diff over and over again.
Rotates log files with "gz"-extension in a directory for 7 days and enumerates the number in file name.
i.e.: logfile.1.gz > logfile.2.gz
I needed this line due to the limitations on AIX Unix systems which do not ship with the rename command.
i want to count how many regex code i have used in vim in a long time
so i make a directory in svn host and post record to this directory
of course i dont want to post manually so i worte a script to do that
and this is the core thing to do
By time thumbnail images in ~/thumbnails take up too much space, this command will help deleting old ones.
Find options explained:
-type f : find files only, not directories
-atime +30 : last accessed more than 30 days ago
You'll need to make sure your xorg.conf permits a virtual screen size this big. If it doesn't then xrandr should return a suitable error message that tells you the required size.
swap out "80" for your port of interest. Can use port number or named ports e.g. "http"
First, use find to find directories exactly one level below current directory, then create a tar file using the directory as the basename.
If you're only using -m or -k, you will need to remember they are either in Megabyte or kilobyte forms. So by using -B, it gives you the unit of the size measurement, which helps you from reading the result faster. You can try with -B K as well.
This is the same command as this one, but for OS X.