Sometime you need to run firefox from the command just to rectify something about it.Means,if some of the addon broke you firefox setting or theme broke your ff setting then fall back to commandline i.e shell and type the mentioned command. It will open up an information box with few option along with the checkbox besides them(means you can select them) to start the web browser in safe mode.Besically deactivating all the addon and theme,except the default one.Once you are done/rectified thing ..close that session and reopen the browser normally.It should work.
not my cmd... found on the web Show Sample Output
If you want to see your top ten cpu using processes from the browser (e.g. you don't want to ssh into your server all the time for checking system load) you can run this command and browse to the machines ip on port 8888. For example Show Sample Output
You can try it . Nice shell interface to search google from the command line.Visit in your browser. Show Sample Output is the place to record those command-line gems that you return to again and again. That way others can gain from your CLI wisdom and you from theirs too. All commands can be commented on, discussed and voted up or down.
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