ontouchdo yourscript 'clear; yourscript somefiletoparse'
Edit yourscript in a separate window and see new results each time you save.
ontouchdo crufty.html 'clear; xmllint --noout crufty.html 2>&1 | head'
Keep editing krufty.html until the xmllint window is empty.
Note: Mac/bsd users should use stat -f%m. If you don't have stat, you can use perl -e '$f=shift; @s=stat($f); print "$s[9]\n";' $1
Uses inotifywait from inotify-tools ( http://wiki.github.com/rvoicilas/inotify-tools/ ), that is compatible only with linux. Usefull when you work with files that have to be compiled.. latex, haml, c..
Listens for events in the directory. Each created file is displayed on stdout. Then each fileline is read by the loop and a command is run. This can be used to force permissions in a directory, as an alternative for umask. More details: http://en.positon.org/post/A-solution-to-the-umask-problem%3A-inotify-to-force-permissions
runonchange /etc/nginx nginx -t
Ignores vim temp files. Depends on 'inotify-tools' for monitoring of file changes. Alternative to tools like 'entr', 'watchr'.
Any thoughts on this command? Does it work on your machine? Can you do the same thing with only 14 characters?
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