Commands by Mahrud (1)

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Check These Out

count how many times a string appears in a (source code) tree
grep -o puts each occurrence in a separate line

Continually monitor things
You can use this one-liner for a quick and dirty (more customizable) alternative to the watch command. The keys to making this work: everything exists in an infinite loop; the loop starts with a clear; the loop ends with a sleep. Enter whatever you'd like to keep an eye on in the middle.

See system users

grep processes list avoiding the grep itself
Trick to avoid the form: grep process | grep - v grep

Reload all sysctl variables without reboot
Reload all defined kernel variables from /etc/sysctl.conf(if no parameter after -p is given) without the old myth "Ah, you'll need to reboot to apply those variables"...

Get Futurama quotations from servers

check open ports without netstat or lsof

Open the current project on Github by typing gh
Written for Mac OSX. When you are working in a project and want to open it on, just type "gh" and your default browser will open with the repo you are in. Works for submodules, and repo's that you don't own. You'll need to copy / paste this command into a file, then create an alias in your bash or zsh profile to the script. Detailed instructions here if you still need help:

Preview of a picture in a terminal
This command allows you to see a preview of a picture via the terminal. It can be usefull when you are ssh'ing your server without X-forwarding. To have en example of the output you can get with this command see Download at Sources here:

Server load and process monitoring
In certain cases you mighy need to monitor the server load caused by certain process. For example HTTP, while stress testing apache using ab (apache benchmark) you may want to monitor the server status,load, # of spawned HTTP processes, # of established connections, # of connections in close wait state, apache memory footprint etc.

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