Commands by aerickson (1)

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Check These Out

Unzip multi-part zip archive
Assuming you have a multi-part archive like " archive.z01 archive.z02 ...", unzip will not handle these correctly. If you "fix" the parts into one big file with zip -F before, it works.

Find the package that installed a command

shush MOTD
I'm annoyed by the boilerplate "don't login unless you are supposed messages in our environment" - this shuts them up.

Find usb device
I often use it to find recently added ou removed device, or using find in /dev, or anything similar. Just run the command, plug the device, and wait to see him and only him

display a smiling smiley if the command succeeded and a sad smiley if the command failed
you could save the code between if and fi to a shell script named with the first argument as and then do a to see if the command succeeded. a bit needless but who cares ;)

Place the argument of the most recent command on the shell
When typing out long arguments, such as: $ cp file.txt /var/www/wp-content/uploads/2009/03/ You can put that argument on your command line by holding down the ALT key and pressing the period '.' or by pressing <ESC> then the period '.'. For example: $ cd 'ALT+.' would put '/var/www/wp-content/uploads/2009/03/ as my argument. Keeping pressing 'ALT+.' to cycle through arguments of your commands starting from most recent to oldest. This can save a ton of typing.

Resize all JPEGs in a directory
This command requires the imagemagick libraries and will resize all files with the .jpg extension to a width of 1024 pixels and will keep the same proportions as the original image.

'readlink' equivalent using shell commands, and following all links
This is a equivalent to the GNU ' readlink' tool, but it supports following all the links, even in different directories. An interesting alternative is this one, that gets the path of the destination file $ myreadlink() { [ ! -h "$1" ] && echo "$1" || (local link="$(expr "$(command ls -ld -- "$1")" : '.*-> \(.*\)$')"; cd $(dirname $1); myreadlink "$link" | sed "s|^\([^/].*\)\$|$(dirname $1)/\1|"); }

Equivalent to ifconfig -a in HPUX
Command is properly working on HP-UX 11.31

Emergency Alien Invasion Warning
When aliens invade Earth, be first to warn your neighbours by placing your computer screen at a window and executing this potentially Earth-saving command. Ctrl C when aliens are defeated.

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