it's nice to be able to use the command `ls program.{h,c,cpp}`. This expands to `ls program.h program.c program.cpp`. Note: This is a text expansion, not a shell wildcard type expansion that looks at matching file names to calculate the expansion. More details at I often run multiple commands (like apt-get) one after the other with different subcommands. Just for fun this wraps the whole thing into a single line that uses brace expansion.
I used this fragment with Imagemagick convert so that I can place long text strings in pictures. The "\n" gets converted to a true newline in the image. So this fragment uses fold command to wrap the line and then sed to convert newlines (and any trailing spaces on the line) to the text "\n" Show Sample Output
If you want to create new user accounts in OS X from the command line use this fragment to find the next free user id. In OS X CLI you have to assign the user id yourself Show Sample Output
This will install the Go tools into the a central location so they don't need to be installed in each GOPATH. (I use a separate GOPATH for each of my projects, managed by direnv). The example above assumes the install path created by homebrew on OS X, modify to suite You can add any additional tools you want (See the godep example above) is the place to record those command-line gems that you return to again and again. That way others can gain from your CLI wisdom and you from theirs too. All commands can be commented on, discussed and voted up or down.
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