Booting the VM headless via VBoxHeadless requires knowledge of the VM's network in order to connect. Using VBoxManage in this way and you can SSH to the VM without first looking up the current IP, which changes depending on how you have your VM configured. Show Sample Output
Instead of hard-coding in a check to scrape info from ifconfig based on a specific interface, do it in a more portable way. This works really well if you switch between wired, wireless, bluetooth or even VPN connections. You can get your current IP in a script (since it'll be something like tun0 instead of eth0 or wlan1). This uses a well known public ip address, but it doesn't actually connect to it, it just shows you the route it would take. Show Sample Output
Useful to determine the source_ip of outgoing packages to a certain destination Show Sample Output
I've had this as in my ~/bin/ for some time.
If you are an unlucky soul behind a corporate firewall you will likely find that downloading gpg keys is blocked. This is because the hkp protocol uses port 11371 by default to transfer the key. By adding "hkp://" to the beginning of the hostname and ":80" to the end you are asking gpg to try using port 80 to connect (less likely to be blocked by a firewall). This relies on the remote server answering to requests over port 80. Show Sample Output
Getting current wallpaper on nautilus file-managers
Using "wmic get * /value" within any Cygwin shell will return lots of Win/Dos newline junk ie "^M$" at the end of found value line, two lines ("$" Unix newline) above, and three below. This makes storing and or evaluating wmic queries as variables a pain. The method i suggest strips the mentioned junk, only returns the value after "OSArchitecture=", and includes only one Unix style newline. Other methods using sed|awk|cut can only handle the output of wmic cleanly when piped or using multiple sed statements.
wmic OS get OSArchitecture /value | sed 's/\r//g;s/^M$//;/^$/d;s/.*=//'
wmic OS get OSArchitecture /value | grep -Eo '[^=]*$'
a much cleaner and slightly less costly alternative.
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This will install the Go tools into the a central location so they don't need to be installed in each GOPATH. (I use a separate GOPATH for each of my projects, managed by direnv). The example above assumes the install path created by homebrew on OS X, modify to suite You can add any additional tools you want (See the godep example above)
get-ipsw device-name generation-string firmware-version
For example:
get-ipsw iPod 2,1 4.0
Different generation strings:
iPhone 3G: iPhone 1,2
iPhone 3GS: iPhone 2,1
iPod touch 2G: iPod 2,1
iPod touch 3G: iPod 3,1
This can be used with idevicerestore (I haven't tried it though).
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