Commands by drizzt (2)

  • Useful if you f.i. want to block/allow all connections from a certain provider which uses successive netnames for his ip blocks. In this example I used the german Deutsche Telekom which has DTAG-DIAL followed by a number as netname for the dial in pools. There are - as always ;) - different ways to do this. If you have seq available you can use net=DTAG-DIAL ; for i in `seq 1 30`; do whois -h $net$i | grep '^inetnum:' | sed "s;^.*:;$net$i;" ; done or without seq you can use bash brace expansion net=DTAG-DIAL ; for i in {1..30}; do whois -h $net$i | grep '^inetnum:' | sed "s;^.*:;$net$i;" ; done or if you like while better than for use something like net=DTAG-DIAL ; i=1 ; while true ; do whois -h $net$i | grep '^inetnum:' | sed "s;^.*:;$net$i;" ; test $i = 30 && break ; i=$(expr $i + 1) ; done and so on. Show Sample Output

    net=DTAG-DIAL ; for (( i=1; i<30; i++ )); do whois -h $net$i | grep '^inetnum:' | sed "s;^.*:;$net$i;" ; done
    drizzt · 2009-08-01 05:28:19 4
  • Query Wikipedia by issuing a DNS query for a TXT record. The TXT record will also include a short URL to the complete corresponding Wikipedia entry.You can also write a little shell script like: $ cat #!/bin/sh dig +short txt ${1} and run it like ./ unix were your first option ($1) will be used as search term. Show Sample Output

    dig +short txt <keyword>
    drizzt · 2009-07-31 16:08:59 204

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Check These Out

Check syntax of all Perl modules or scripts underneath the current directory
Finds all *.p[ml]-files and runs a perl -c on them, checking whether Perl thinks they are syntactically correct

Display error pages in report format
This command will return a full list of Error 404 pages in the given access log. The following variables have been given to awk Hostname ($2), ERROR Code ($9), Missing Item ($7), Referrer ($11) You can then send this into a file (>> /path/to/file), which you can open with OpenOffice as a CSV

Matrix - Just 1 wobbly line rather then a rain! (shorter)
No sample. Try it and see the magic!

Google verbatim search on your terminal
Put it in your ~/.bashrc usage: google word1 word2 word3... google '"this search gets quoted"'

Command Line to Get the Stock Quote via Yahoo
Retrieve the current stock price from Yahoo Finance. The output is simply the latest price (which could be delayed). If you want to look up stock for a different company, replace csco with your symbol.

Jump up to any directory above the current one
Usage: upto directory

ShadyURL via CLI

Find usb device in realtime
Using this command you can track a moment when usb device was attached.

Remove security limitations from PDF documents using ghostscript (for Windows)
#4345 also works under windows

how to find the active X (X11/xorg) username and DISPLAY variable
Requires consolekit (works in e.g. Ubuntu). Here x11-display is DISPLAY

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