Commands by isma (2)

What's this? is the place to record those command-line gems that you return to again and again. That way others can gain from your CLI wisdom and you from theirs too. All commands can be commented on, discussed and voted up or down.

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Check These Out

Count all the files in the directory and child directories

power off system in X minutes
Replace 60 with the number of minutes until you want the machine to shut down. Alternatively give an absolute time in the format hh:mm (shutdown -h 9:30) Or shutdown right away (shutdown -h now)

Nicely display mem usage with ps
Nicely display mem usage with ps.

simple port check command

Record off the microphone on a remote computer and listen to it live through your speakers locally.

VIM: when Ctrl-D and Ctrl-U only scroll one line, reset to default
Resets the scroll parameter to the default (half the rows in the current window). The scroll parameter can be inadvertently set to 1, e..g., if you type '1 Ctrl-D' or '1 Ctrl-U' in normal mode.

See where a shortened url takes you before click

Create a false directory structure for testing your commands
This will make a false directory with the same file names as whatever directory you choose. This is wise to use when testing scripts that alter contents, filenames, or move files. I wrote this after an OOPS I made when renaming a directory of JPGs, PNGs, PSDs that were mixed. I recommend this as I lost over 2000 vacation pictures and some graphics I designed for software and web sites. :( NOTE: This only creates name copies, that data itself is not copied.

pdfcount: get number of pages in a PDF file

copy from host1 to host2, through your host
This is a 'nocd' alternative :)

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