Commands by pulketo (2)

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Check These Out

Change proccess affinity.
Set the affinity of a process to a particular core(s). Arguments for processor include a comma separated list, or a range. (example: 1,2 or 0-3) You can use top in smp mode (Press 1) to see the changes to the affinity.

Most used command

Recover username and password for Technicolor TC7200 admin page (vulnerability)
The router Technicolor TC7200 has an exploit where the file is open for unauthenticated access. Even though it is binary, the 2 last strings are the username and password for the pages for router management. It can be read using the 'strings' command, 'hexdump -C' or a hexadecimal editor. (default user/password = admin/admin) Reveals more configuration, including SSID name and Key for the wifi network: $wget -q -O - Hexadecimal dump of the file: $wget -q -O - | hexdump -C

Convert all files *.mp4 to *.mpeg using ffmpeg (Windows Cmd line)
Note: %~nI expands %I to a file name only (cf.

Verbosely delete files matching specific name pattern, older than 15 days.

camelcase to underscore
For mac users !

Rename files in batch

Oneliner to run commands on multiple servers
Oneliner to run commands on multiple servers over ssh. - First parameter "$1" is the command you want to execute remotely. ( It can be multiple commands e.g. "hostname;uptime") - Second parameter "${@:2}" represents the remote host/s you want to run the command/s on.

whois surfing my web ?

Print interface that is up and running

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