Commands by rajaseelan (2)

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Check These Out

check open ports without netstat or lsof

comment current line(put # at the beginning)

run complex remote shell cmds over ssh, without escaping quotes
Much simpler method. More portable version: ssh host -l user "`cat cmd.txt`"

list files recursively by size

Number of connections to domains on a cPanel server

Join lines and separate with spaces
Read vmargs.txt, which is a text file that could either be DOS-style (\r\n) or UNIX-style (\n) line endings and join the lines with a space separator. Can this be shortened/made more elegant?

Join lines
Even shorter. Stolen from comment posted by eightmillion.

Recover remote tar backup with ssh
Here how to recover the remote backup over ssh

export iPad App list to txt file
This will generate the same output without changing the current directory, and filepath will be relative to the current directory. Note: it will (still) fail if your iTunes library is in a non-standard location.

Show sorted list of files with sizes more than 1MB in the current dir
Taken from here:

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