Commands by sreimann (4)

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Generate the CPU utilization report
Generated the CPU utilization stats with 5 lines /every 2 seconds. Needs sysstat package to be installed prior to use sar.

list files recursively by size

Simple addicting bash game.
Really bored during class so I made this... Basically, you hold period (or whatever) and hit enter after a second and you need to make the next line of periods the same length as the previous line... My record was 5 lines of the same length. It's best if you do it one handed with your pointer on period and ring on enter.

Top 20 commands in your bash history

Getting a domain from url, ex: very nice to get url from squid access.log

a function to find the fastest DNS server gives a list of online dns servers. you need to change the country in url (br in this url) with your country code. this command need some time to ping all IP in list.

Diff files over SSH
Sometimes you need to compare two config files on different servers. Put the file names into the above script and let 'er rip.

list files recursively by size

BASH one-liner to get the current week number
Not as cool as the python example, but it still works.

List your MACs address

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