When some console full-screen program (minicom, vi, some installers) breaks down your terminal, try this command to revert all options to "sane" settings (sane is a built-in combo of a lot of stty options)
Depending on the TERM, the terminfo version, ncurses version, etc.. you may be using a varied assortment of terminal escape codes. With this command you can easily find out exactly what is going on.. This is terminal escape zen!
( 2>&2 strace -f -F -e write -s 1000 sh -c 'echo -e "initc\nis2\ncnorm\nrmso\nsgr0" | tput -S' 2>&1 ) | grep -o '"\\[^"]*"' --color=always
Lets say you want to find out what you need to echo in order to get the text to blink..
echo -e "`tput blink`This will blink`tput sgr0` This wont"
Now you can use this function instead of calling tput (tput is much smarter for portable code because it works differently depending on the current TERM, and tput -T anyterm works too.) to turn that echo into a much faster executing code. tput queries files, opens files, etc.. but echo is very strait and narrow.
So now you can do this:
echo -e "\33[5mThis will blink\33(B\33[m This wont"
More at http://www.askapache.com/linux-unix/bash_profile-functions-advanced-shell.html
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I was looking for the fastest way to create a bunch of ansi escapes for use in echo -e commands throughout a lot of my shell scripts. This is what I came up with, and I actually stick that loop command in a function and then just call that at the beginning of my scripts to not clutter the environment with these escape codes, which can wreck havok on my terminal when I'm dumping the environment. More of a cool way to store escape ansi codes in an array. You can echo them like:
echo -e "${CC[15]}This text is black on bright green background."
I usually just use with a function:
# setup_colors - Adds colors to array CC for global use
# 30 - Black, 31 - Red, 32 - Green, 33 - Yellow, 34 - Blue, 35 - Magenta, 36 - Blue/Green, 37 - White, 30/42 - Black on Green '30\;42'
function setup_colors(){ declare -ax CC; for i in `seq 0 7`;do ii=$(($i+7));CC[$i]="\033[1;3${i}m";CC[$ii]="\033[0;3${i}m";done;CC[15]="\033[30;42m"; export R='\033[0;00m';export X="\033[1;37m"; };
export -f setup_colors
CC[15] has a background of bright green which is why it is separate. R resets everything, and X is my default font of bright white.
CC[15]="\033[30;42m"; R=$'\033[0;00m'; X=$'\033[1;37m'
Those are just my favorite colors that I often use in my scripts. You can test which colors by running
for i in $(seq 0 $((${#CC[@]} - 1))); do echo -e "${CC[$i]}[$i]\n$R"; done
See: http://www.askapache.com/linux-unix/bash_profile-functions-advanced-shell.html for more usage.
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