Commands tagged commandlinefu (23)

  • Usage: cmdfu hello world Show Sample Output

    cmdfu(){ curl "$@/$(echo -n $@ | openssl base64)/plaintext"; }
    knoopx · 2009-08-19 02:18:24 73
  • Usage: clfavs username password num_favourite_commands file_in_which_to_backup

    clfavs(){ URL="";wget -O - --save-cookies c --post-data "username=$1&password=$2&submit=Let+me+in" $URL/users/signin;for i in `seq 0 25 $3`;do wget -O - --load-cookies c $URL/commands/favourites/plaintext/$i >>$4;done;rm -f c;}
    suhasgupta · 2009-09-30 16:43:08 24
  • is great but has a few bugs when people are submitting new commands: . 1. There is no preview button. This was a minor inconvenience before, but now is a major problem since new commands won't show up to be edited until they have been moderated. . 2. White space in the description field and in the comments is almost completely lost. People resort to using periods in between paragraphs to force a line break. Indentation of code is ridiculous. . 3. Many characters get munged. . 3a. For example, a less than character in the description gets read as an HTML tag and discarded. In order to type a less than, I've had to type "<" (I hope that comes out right). Unfortunately, when re-editing a command, the HTML entity is turned into a literal less than character, which I have to change back by hand before saving. 3b. Some unicode characters work in the description field, but turn into ugly literal HTML strings when put in the sample output or in an additional command using the $ prefix. . For example, here is a unicode character: ❥ Here is the same character after a dollar sign: ❥ . 3c. Some unicode characters don't work anywhere. Bizarrely, it appears to be the most commonly needed ones, such as Latin-1 accented characters. Here are some examples, . Bullet: ?, Center dot: ?, Umlaut u: ?. . 4. Here is an example of the greater than, >, and less than, . 5. Commandlinefu used to abbreviate long descriptions on the front page and had a "more..." button so that people could read the rest if they wanted. That's a good feature as it encourages people to explain their commands more fully. Either, the feature has gone missing, or, perhaps, I was just hallucinating it existed in the first place. If the former, please bring it back, If the latter, please implement this great new feature I just thought up. . 6. Tags cannot include Unicode characters. If you try to type one in, the cursor will just spin and spin as it attempt to look up if that tag exists already. For example, try typing Ctrl+Shift+u 2 7 6 5 SPC as a tag name. Show Sample Output

    echo "?????, these are the umlauted vowels I sing to you. Oh, and sometimes ?, but I don't sing that one cause it doesn't rhyme."
    hackerb9 · 2011-01-05 05:56:20 9
  • Use `zless` to read the content of your *rss.gz file: zless commandlinefu-contribs-backup-2009-08-10-07.40.39.rss.gz Show Sample Output

    curl<your username>/rss|gzip ->commandlinefu-contribs-backup-$(date +%Y-%m-%d-%H.%M.%S).rss.gz
    linuxrawkstar · 2009-08-10 12:43:33 38
  • This will calculate the your commandlinefu votes (upvotes - downvotes). Hopefully this will boost my commandlinefu points. Show Sample Output

    username=matthewbauer; curl -s$username/json | tr '{' '\n' | grep -Eo ',"votes":"[0-9\-]+","' | grep -Eo '[0-9\-]+' | tr '\n' '+' | sed 's/+$/\n/' | bc
    matthewbauer · 2010-02-14 04:32:36 11
  • for me the above command didn't work for more than one argument but this one does

    curl "$(echo "$@" | sed 's/ /-/g')/$(echo -n $@ | base64)/plaintext"
    potatoface · 2010-08-23 20:25:13 6
  • Here is the full function (got trunctated), which is much better and works for multiple queries. function cmdfu () { local t=~/cmdfu; until [[ -z $1 ]]; do echo -e "\n# $1 {{{1" >> $t; curl -s "$1/`echo -n $1|base64`/plaintext" | sed '1,2d;s/^#.*/& {{{2/g' | tee -a $t > $t.c; sed -i "s/^# $1 {/# $1 - `grep -c '^#' $t.c` {/" $t; shift; done; vim -u /dev/null -c "set ft=sh fdm=marker fdl=1 noswf" -M $t; rm $t $t.c } Searches commandlinefu for single/multiple queries and displays syntax-highlighted, folded, and numbered results in vim. Show Sample Output

    cmdfu(){ local t=~/cmdfu;echo -e "\n# $1 {{{1">>$t;curl -s "$1/`echo -n $1|base64`/plaintext"|sed '1,2d;s/^#.*/& {{{2/g'>$t;vim -u /dev/null -c "set ft=sh fdm=marker fdl=1 noswf" -M $t;rm $t; }
    AskApache · 2012-02-21 05:43:16 11
  • This command will format your alias or function to a single line, trimming duplicate white space and newlines and inserting delimiter semi-colons, so it continues to work on a single line. Show Sample Output

    goclf() { type "$1" | sed '1d' | tr -d "\n" | tr -s '[:space:]'; echo }
    meathive · 2010-06-26 21:44:17 17
  • Search for one/many words on commandlinefu, results in vim for easy copy, manipulation. The -R flag is for readonly can still write to a file, but vim won't prompt for save on quit. What I'd really like is a way to do this from within vim in a new tab. Something like :Tex path/to/file but :cmdfu search terms

    cmdfu(){ curl "$(echo "$@" | sed 's/ /-/g')/$(echo -n $@ | base64)/plaintext" --silent | vim -R - }
    MeanderingCode · 2012-02-10 16:26:47 55
  • required packages: curl, xml2, html2text command is truncated, see 'sample output' Show Sample Output

    open R,"curl -s|xml2|"; while(<R>){ chomp; m(^/rss/channel/item/title=) and do{ s/^.*?=//; ($t,$d,$l)=($_,undef,undef) }; m(^/rss/channel/item/description=) and do{ s/^.*?=//; push @d,$_ }; m(^/rss/channel/item
    bandie91 · 2012-02-24 23:40:02 5
  • Like command #4845, prints score, number of entries, and average score.

    username=bartonski;curl -s$username/json|perl -e 'BEGIN{$s=0;$n=0};END{print "Score: $s\nEntries: $n\nMean: ";printf "%3.2f\n",$s/$n}' -0173 -nae 'foreach $f (@F){if($f =~ /"votes":"(-*\d+)"/){$s += $1; $n++;}}'
    bartonski · 2010-02-16 01:03:29 4
  • This version prints current votes and commands for a user. Pass the user as an argument. While this technically "fits" as a one liner, it really is easier to look at as a shell script with extra whitespace. :) Show Sample Output

    curl -s$1/xml | awk -F'</?div[^>]*>' '/class=\"command\"/{gsub(/&quot;/,"\"",$2); gsub(/&lt;/,"<",$2); gsub(/&gt;/,">",$2); gsub(/&amp;/,"\\&",$2); cmd=$2} /class=\"num-votes\"/{printf("%3i %s\n", $2, cmd)}'
    putnamhill · 2010-02-16 17:24:45 5
  • Faster then other method using wget For obtain all commands use nu=`curl |grep -o "Terminal - All commands -.*results$" | grep -oE "[[:digit:],]{4,}" | sed 's/,//'`; curl[0-"$nu":25] | grep -vE "_curl_|\.com by David" > clf-ALL.txt For more version specific nu=`curl |grep -o "Terminal - All commands -.*results$" | grep -oE "[[:digit:],]{4,}" | sed 's/,//'`; curl[0-"$nu":25] | grep -vE "_curl_|\.com by David" > clf-ALL_"$nu".txt Also download dirctly from my dropbox My drop box invitaion link is . Use it and get free 2.5 GB space. Show Sample Output

    curl[0-9000:25] | grep -vE "_curl_|\.com by David" > clf-ALL.txt
    totti · 2011-11-08 12:19:48 123
  • just like the original - just colored and with less

    cmdfu(){ curl "$@/$(echo -n $@ | openssl base64)/plaintext" --silent | sed "s/\(^#.*\)/\x1b[32m\1\x1b[0m/g" | less -R }
    hoodie · 2011-11-08 12:21:06 89
  • Multi-argument version, but with VIM loveliness :D

    cmdfu(){ local TCF="/var/tmp/cmdfu"; echo " Searching..."; curl "$(echo "$@" | sed 's/ /-/g')/$(echo -n $@ | base64)/plaintext" --silent > "$TCF"; vim -c "set filetype=sh" -RM "$TCF"; rm "$TCF"; }
    expelledboy · 2011-12-06 10:01:27 6
  • This utilizes the Requests and BeautifulSoup libraries in Python to retrieve a user page on commandlinefu, parse it (error-tolerant) and extract all the lines of the following format: gzip * To print them, a list comprehension is used to iterate over the values, and join() is called on a newline character. Show Sample Output

    python -c "import requests; from bs4 import BeautifulSoup; print '\n'.join([cmd.text for cmd in BeautifulSoup(requests.get('${USER}').content, 'html.parser').find_all('div','command')])"
    funky · 2015-08-22 21:32:36 14
  • There's probably a more efficient way to do this rather than the relatively long perl program, but perl is my hammer, so text processing looks like a nail. This is of course a lot to type all at once. You can make it better by putting this somewhere: clf () { (curl -d "q=$@" 2>/dev/null) | egrep 'autocomplete|votes|destination' | perl -pi -e 's/<a style="display:none" class="destination" href="//g;s/<[^>]*>//g;s/">$/\n\n/g;s/^ +|\([0-9]+ votes,//g;s/^\//http:\/\/\//g'; } Then, to look up any command, you can do this: clf diff This is similar to except that it's just one line, so more in the spirit of CLF, in my opinion. Show Sample Output

    (curl -d q=grep | egrep 'autocomplete|votes|destination' | perl -pi -e 's/a style="display:none" class="destination" href="//g;s/<[^>]*>//g;s/">$/\n\n/g;s/^ +//g;s/^\//http:\/\/\//g'
    isaacs · 2009-07-08 22:10:49 13
  • This lengthy cryptic line will print the latest top 10 posts without their summaries. To print also their respective summaries use the following (even bigger) command line: wget -qO - | xmlstarlet sel -T -t -o '<doc>' -n -t -m rss/channel/item -o '<item>' -n -o '<title>' -v title -o '</title>' -n -o '<description>' -v description -o '</description>' -n -o '</item>' -n -t -o '</doc>' | xmlstarlet sel -T -t -m doc/item -v description/code -n -v title -n -n It is recommended to include this line into a shell script to be easily run, as I do myself. You could also use the following URLs to browse the top 3 commands: wget -qO - | xmlstarlet ... .. or all others: wget -qO - | xmlstarlet ... PS: You need to install "xmlstarlet" to run it. It is found in Debian APT repositories (apt-get install xmlstarlet) or under the URL. Show Sample Output

    wget -qO - | xmlstarlet sel -T -t -o '&lt;x&gt;' -n -t -m rss/channel/item -o '&lt;y&gt;' -n -v description -o '&lt;/y&gt;' -n -t -o '&lt;/x&gt;' | xmlstarlet sel -T -t -m x/y -v code -n
    fsilveira · 2009-08-14 02:44:00 3
  • A wonderful command line utility to check the internet usage. It has got so many useful switch to display the data you want.Please visit the man page to get all the information.Get it from this website Show Sample Output

    unixbhaskar · 2009-08-28 04:14:42 4
  • This is an commandline utility to get fair piece of information about the attached network card. Show Sample Output

    ethtool eth0
    unixbhaskar · 2009-08-28 04:22:03 3
  • Log a command's votes, then run: gnuplot -persist <(echo "plot 'votes' with lines")

    while true; do curl -s | grep 'id="num-votes-' | sed 's;.*id="num-votes-[0-9]*">\([0-9\-]*\)</div>;\1;' >> votes; sleep 10; done
    matthewbauer · 2009-09-26 00:55:24 44
  • Daemontools[1] won't always properly reap it's children. Sometimes when you need to kill the main svscan process, you want to also clean up all of it's children. The way to do that is to send a signal to the entire process group. It is a bit tricky [1]

    kill -9 -$(ps x -o "%c %r" | awk '/svscan/{print $2}')
    SEJeff · 2012-05-25 16:39:02 9
  • If you add the bookmarklet to your browser's bookmarks with like say, the keyword 'cfu', you can for example type 'cfu hello' in the location bar and the %s gets replaced with 'hello'. The bookmarklet will convert the search text to base64 for use with the commandlinefu website and will take you there. Tested with Firefox. Show Sample Output

    echo "javascript:location.href=''+encodeURIComponent('%s')+'/'+btoa('%s')+'/sort-by-votes'"
    darkfader · 2011-03-07 22:01:46 4

What's this? is the place to record those command-line gems that you return to again and again. That way others can gain from your CLI wisdom and you from theirs too. All commands can be commented on, discussed and voted up or down.

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Calculate days on which Friday the 13th occurs (inspired from the work of the user justsomeguy)
Friday is the 5th day of the week, monday is the 1st. Output may be affected by locale.

seq (argc=2) for FreeBSD

Get a list of IP Addresses that have failed to login via SSH
This command shows a sorted list of the IP addresses from which there have been authentication errors via SSH (possible script kiddies trying to gain access to your server), it eliminates duplicates so it's easier to read, but you can remove the "uniq" command at the end, or even do a "uniq -c" to have a count of how many times each IP address shows in the log (the path to the log may vary from system to system)

RTFM function
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Play radio stream with mplayer
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display a smiling smiley if the command succeeded and a sad smiley if the command failed
you could save the code between if and fi to a shell script named with the first argument as and then do a to see if the command succeeded. a bit needless but who cares ;)

Extracts PDF pages as images

Make a DVD ISO Image from a VIDEO_TS folder on MacOSX
/path/ is the root folder of the DVD, not the VIDEO_TS folder.

View advanced Sort options, Quick Reference Help Alias
Once you get into advanced/optimized scripts, functions, or cli usage, you will use the sort command alot. The options are difficult to master/memorize however, and when you use sort commands as much as I do (some examples below), it's useful to have the help available with a simple alias. I love this alias as I never seem to remember all the options for sort, and I use sort like crazy (much better than uniq for example). # Sorts by file permissions $ find . -maxdepth 1 -printf '%.5m %10M %p\n' | sort -k1 -r -g -bS 20% 00761 drwxrw---x ./tmp 00755 drwxr-xr-x . 00701 drwx-----x ./askapache-m 00644 -rw-r--r-- ./.htaccess # Shows uniq history fast $ history 1000 | sed 's/^[0-9 ]*//' | sort -fubdS 50% exec bash -lxv export TERM=putty-256color Taken from my

Key binding to search
This is a simple bash function and a key binding that uses commandlinefu's simple and easy search API. It prompts for a search term, then it uses curl to search commandline fu, and highlights the search results with less.

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