Commands by meathive (10)

  • This command clones an image three times and creates a 'tile' image that can be used for a repeating pattern wallpaper. Add 'rm $f $of $off' to the end for cleanup (command was too long to submit with it). See this link for an example:

    goWall() { if [ $# -ne 1 ]; then echo 'goWall image';return;fi;w=w.jpg;o="$1";f="$1"-f;of="$1"-af;off="$1"-aff;convert "$1" -flop $f;montage -geometry +0+0 -tile 2x "$1" $f $of;convert $of -flip $off;montage -geometry +0+0 -tile 1x $of $off $w }
    meathive · 2012-07-17 05:01:58 31
  • sudo /sbin/ifconfig | gotxt2imgmail

    gotxt2imgmail() { if [ $# != 1 ]; then echo 'gotxt2imgmail < email >'; return; fi; e="$1"; f=$RANDOM.png; convert label:@- $f; echo "" | mailx -s $f -a $f $e }
    meathive · 2011-08-24 12:05:05 4
  • This command, or a derivative like it, is a must-have if you're a server administrator interested in website optimization: Command requires Yahoo's YUI, find it here: Show Sample Output

    gominify() { if [ $# -ne 2 ]; then echo 'gominify < src > < dst >'; return; fi; s="$1"; d="$2"; java -jar yui.jar $s >$d; if [ $? == 0 ]; then a=$( ls -sh $s | awk '{print $1}' ); b=$( ls -sh $d | awk '{print $1}' ); echo "Saved $s ($a) to $d ($b)"; fi;}
    meathive · 2010-08-03 10:19:24 4
  • My variation on an audio burning command from commandlinefu - this one doesn't crap out if you want to burn a CD in a directory whose permissions don't allow it, and instead rips everything to /tmp. If you mount your music partition like I do using Samba, you probably don't have write permission inside that file system in order to create the temporary directory other audio burning commands here use. Not a bad idea to add cdrom to your groups, and /bin/eject with visudo.

    goburncd() { d=/tmp/goburncd_$RANDOM; mkdir $d && for i in *.[Mm][Pp]3; do lame --decode "$i" "$d/${i%%.*}.wav"; done; sudo cdrecord -pad $d/* && rm -r $d; eject }
    meathive · 2010-07-06 21:58:10 16
  • This command will format your alias or function to a single line, trimming duplicate white space and newlines and inserting delimiter semi-colons, so it continues to work on a single line. Show Sample Output

    goclf() { type "$1" | sed '1d' | tr -d "\n" | tr -s '[:space:]'; echo }
    meathive · 2010-06-26 21:44:17 18
  • This command will automate the creation of ESSIDs and batch processing in pyrit. Give it a list of WPA/WPA2 access points you're targeting and it'll import those ESSIDs and pre-compute the potential password hashes for you, assuming you've got a list of passwords already imported using: pyrit -i dictionary import_passwords Once the command finishes, point pyrit to your packet capture containing a handshake with the attack_db module. Game over. Show Sample Output

    gopyrit () { if [ $# -lt 1 ]; then echo $0 '< list of ESSIDs >'; return -1; fi; for i in "$@"; do pyrit -e $i create_essid && pyrit batch; done; pyrit eval }
    meathive · 2010-06-19 01:11:00 8
  • A shortcut to generate documentation with phpdoc. Defaults to HTML; optionally to PDF if third argument is given. Stores documentation in cwd under ./docs/. I forget the syntax to the output, -o, option, so this is easier.

    gophpdoc() { if [ $# -lt 2 ]; then echo $0 '< file > < title > [ pdf ]'; return; fi; if [ "$3" == 'pdf' ]; then ot=PDF:default:default; else ot=HTML:frames:earthli; fi; phpdoc -o $ot -f "$1" -t docs -ti "$2" }
    meathive · 2010-06-09 01:15:04 9
  • newly downloaded videos goyoutube random goyoutube rand This command assumes you've already downloaded some YouTube .mp4 or .flv video files via other means. Requires 'shuf', or your own stdin shuffler.

    goyoutube() { d=/path/to/videos p=$d/playlist m=$d/*.mp4 f=$d/*.flv if [ "$1" == 'rand' ]; then ls -1 $m $f | shuf >$p else ls -1t $m $f >$p fi mplayer -geometry 500x400 -playlist $p }
    meathive · 2010-04-11 18:53:49 5
  • gorecord foo.mp4 I've tried all of the screen recorders available for Linux and this is easily the best. xvidcap segfaults; VNC is too much hassle. There are alternatives of this command already here that I am just too lazy to reply to. Messing with the frames per second option, -r, 25 seems to be the best. Any lower and the video will look like a flipbook, if it records at all - -r 10 won't - any faster is the same, oddly enough. Edit: CLF doesn't like my long command to add audio, so here it is in the description. goaddaudio() { if [ $# != 3 ]; then echo 'goaddaudio < audio > < src video > < dst video >' return fi f=goaddaudio$RANDOM ffmpeg -i "$2" &> $f d=$( grep Duration $f | awk '{print $2}' | tr -d ',' ) && rm $f && ffmpeg -i "$1" -i "$2" -r 25 -ab 192k -ar 44100 -sameq -t $d "$3" }

    gorecord() { if [ $# != 1 ]; then echo 'gorecord video.mp4' return fi ffmpeg -f x11grab -s <resolution> -r 25 -i :0.0 -sameq -vcodec mpeg4 "$1" }
    meathive · 2010-03-29 20:21:35 6
  • See if you are unclear about the Google Analytics cookie system. If Firefox is your daily browser, be a good Orwellian and run this command regularly. If you see, 'SQL error near line 1: database is locked', close Firefox and run again.

    gofuckanalytics() { echo "DELETE FROM moz_cookies WHERE name LIKE '__utm%';" | sqlite3 $( find ~/.mozilla -name cookies.sqlite ) }
    meathive · 2010-03-07 09:16:14 9

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See n most used commands in your bash history
You can append these commands to the bottom of the history file to access them easier with the Up key: $ sort ~/.bash_history|uniq -c|sort -n|tail -n 10|tr -s " "|cut -d' ' -f3- >> ~/.bash_history

Use acpi and notify-send to report current temperature every five minutes.
works best in a shell script run at startup. It will ping localhost once and output to null, after it does that, acpi is called for temperature in fahrenheit and piped through to another loop that feeds notify-send for a tooltip. After waiting five minutes, it will start over.

Show all detected mountable Drives/Partitions/BlockDevices
Yields entries in the form of "/dev/hda1" etc. Use this if you are on a new system and don't know how the storage hardware (ide, sata, scsi, usb - with ever changing descriptors) is connected and which partitions are available. Far better than using "fdisk -l" on guessed device descriptors.

Detect illegal access to kernel space, potentially useful for Meltdown detection
Based on capsule8 agent examples, not rigorously tested

syncronizing datas beetween two folder (A and B) excluding some directories in A (dir1 and dir2)

Convert flv without re-encoding

Create a false directory structure for testing your commands
This will make a false directory with the same file names as whatever directory you choose. This is wise to use when testing scripts that alter contents, filenames, or move files. I wrote this after an OOPS I made when renaming a directory of JPGs, PNGs, PSDs that were mixed. I recommend this as I lost over 2000 vacation pictures and some graphics I designed for software and web sites. :( NOTE: This only creates name copies, that data itself is not copied.

Fire CMD every time FILE (or directory) is updated (on *BSD)

Rename files in batch

Creates PodFeeds.txt, a file that lists the URLs of rhythmbox podcasts from the rhythmdb.xml file.
The first grep any line with pod-feed in it plus the following five lines. The second grep throws out any line not containing . sed removes the leading four spaces then and the trailing . Using a colon as sed's separating character avoids having to escape the /. Works ok with Mythbuntu 9.04 (used mostly as a three line bash script).

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