Finding high memory usage report in human readable format. Show Sample Output
In certain cases you mighy need to monitor the server load caused by certain process. For example HTTP, while stress testing apache using ab (apache benchmark) you may want to monitor the server status,load, # of spawned HTTP processes, # of established connections, # of connections in close wait state, apache memory footprint etc. Show Sample Output
Easiest way to check which modules are loaded in apache. Show Sample Output
Usefule to check whether SELinux is in force or disabled. Though you need to be superuser while execute this command. Show Sample Output
Useful when checking MySQL status. Show Sample Output
Useful when we need to create new certificate for site when current one is near expiry. This downloaded cert can be used to provide organisational data directly to new cert. using below command. e.g. openssl x509 -x509toreq -in /tmp/ -out -signkey Show Sample Output
Generated the CPU utilization stats with 5 lines /every 2 seconds. Needs sysstat package to be installed prior to use sar. Show Sample Output
List the files a process is using.
Copy the file with the given .extension at the source file's location. Eliminates the typing of long paths again and again. Show Sample Output
Traffic details on the Ethernet interface. Show Sample Output
Search the pattern in bzip2 compressed file with out having to unzip. Show Sample Output
Gives information about user's home directory and real name and shell user is having. Show Sample Output
Get the hard disk information with out shutting down and opening the system. It gives information on model no., serial no., cylinders/heads/sectors, and the supported features of the hard disk. Show Sample Output
To know the OS distro and version, release. Is same like /etc/redhat-release Show Sample Output
This command gives a model information of a computer. Also useful in determining the host is a VM machine or actual physical machine. Show Sample Output
Useful in scripts while you just need an IP address in a variable. Show Sample Output
Deletes thousands of files at one go, I'm not able to recall the exact # of files that rm can delete at one go(apprx. around 7000.) is the place to record those command-line gems that you return to again and again. That way others can gain from your CLI wisdom and you from theirs too. All commands can be commented on, discussed and voted up or down.
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