If you want to delete lines fast then all you need to do is vi/vim a text file, type in the amount of lines you want to delete (in my example I wanted to delete 10056 lines) followed by dd (no spaces). There will be no output so becareful with what number you type.
This will turn off SE Linux
This will show you the permissions on the directory you are currently in
I found this command on a different site and thought you guy might enjoy it. Just change "YOURSEARCH" to what ever you want to search. Example, "Linux Commands"
Fast and easy way to find all established tcp connections without using the netstat command.
This is longer than others on here. The reason for this is I have combined two different matrix commands so it would work on all computers. I logged onto my server through a computer and it worked fine. I logged into my server through a mac and it looked $4!t so I have made one that works through both. Show Sample Output
rsync is the best command ever and I am interested what the rest of you think is the best command
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