Quick and easy way of validating a date format of yyyy-mm-dd and returning a boolean, the regex can easily be upgraded to handle "in betweens" for mm dd or to validate other types of strings, ex. ip address. Boolean output could easily be piped into a condition for a more complete one-liner.
Same thing as above, just uses fetch and ipchicken.com Show Sample Output
if you want to only print the IP address from a file. In this case the file will be called "iplist" with a line like "ip address" it will only print the "" portion
Handles everything except octets with 255. Ran through ip generator with variable octet lengths.
don't have to be that complicated
This command is useful when you are programming, for example.
Removes special characters (colors) in '^]]Xm' and '^]]X;Ym' format from file. Use pipe ('input | perl [...]') or stream ('perl [...] You can use 'cat -v infile' as 'input' to show special characters instead of interpreting (there is problem with non-ASCII chars, they are replaced by M-[char]).
regex to match an ip Show Sample Output
In case the line you want to join start with a char different than ", you may use \n.*"\n as regex.
grep '^[^#]' sample.conf \__/ |||| \_________/ | |||| | | |||| \- Filename | |||| | |||\- Only character in group is '#' | ||| | ||\- Negate character group (will match any cahracter *not* in the | || group) | || | |\- Start new character group (will match any character in the | | group) | | | \- Match beginning of line | \- Run grep Empty lines will also be not matched, because there has to be at least one non-hash-sign character in the line. Show Sample Output
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