Commands by GinoMan2440 (7)

  • Suppresses all output to /dev/null. This could be expanded to check for a -l command line option to log the stderr to a file maybe -l file or -l to log to default quietly.log. I'm finding that I use it more often than one would think. Show Sample Output

    function quietly () { $* 2> /dev/null > /dev/null; };
    GinoMan2440 · 2011-10-02 05:02:48 8
  • download every last pdf reference Doc from the Apple Developer Connection, takes a half hour on a fast connection. enjoy!

    wget -nd -nH -r -A pdf -I library/mac/documentation/
    GinoMan2440 · 2011-10-02 04:56:25 10
  • the last person who posted used the most roundabout way to concatinate files, there's a reason there's a "conCATinate" command... Using this method, you also get to choose the order of the files, below another person just did *.txt > combined.txt which is fine but the order depends on the implementation of "cat" which is probably alphabetical order of filenames. Show Sample Output

    cat file1 ... fileN > combinedFile;
    GinoMan2440 · 2010-04-17 01:00:04 5
  • Add an alias to your .bashrc that allows you to issue the command xkcd to view (with gwenview) the newest xkcd comic... I know there are thousands of them out there but this one is at least replete with installer and also uses a more concise syntax... plus, gwenview shows you the downloading progress as it downloads the comic and gives you a more full featured viewing experience.

    echo alias xkcd="gwenview `w3m -dump|grep png | awk '{print $5}'` 2> /dev/null" >> .bashrc
    GinoMan2440 · 2010-01-30 20:38:16 6
  • This command toggles the touchpad on and off, when it's on, the right side scroll strip (annoying) and the tap-clicking are disabled, you can change this by changing occurances of 2 in the command to 0. this whole command can then be given a keyboard shortcut so that the touchpad is disableable without using a special fn key (which linux doesn't recognize on some computers) or a seperate button.

    if [ $(synclient -l | grep TouchpadOff | awk '{print $3}') = "2" ]; then synclient TouchpadOff=1; elif [ $(synclient -l | grep TouchpadOff | awk '{print $3}') == "1" ]; then synclient TouchpadOff=2; else synclient TouchpadOff=2; fi
    GinoMan2440 · 2010-01-26 07:52:55 6
  • the middle command between the ; and ; is the vi commands that insert that line into the last line of the file, the esc with the carets is literally hitting the escape key, you have to have the smbfs package installed to do it, I use it to access my iTunes music on my mac from my linux PC's with amarok so I can play the music anywhere in the house. among other things, it allows you to access the files on that share from your computer anytime you're on that network.

    sudo vi /etc/fstab; Go//smb-share/gino /mnt/place smbfs defaults,username=gino,password=pass 0 0<esc>:wq; mount //smb-share/gino
    GinoMan2440 · 2009-04-02 16:04:35 9
  • The above was done using the i386 flashplayer plugin, and was installed on a AMD64 machine running an AMD64 kernel and AMD64 programs. the resulting plugin install ultimately didn't work for swiftfox (but worked for iceweasel) without also covering it with a nspluginwrapper which took a bit of fenangaling to get to work (lots of apt-getting) but it is a nice feature to be able to trick installers that think you need i386 into running on a amd64, or at least attempting to run on amd64. Enjoy Show Sample Output

    setarch i386 [command [args]]
    GinoMan2440 · 2009-03-27 05:49:08 4

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Change newline to space in a file just using echo
Changing newline to spaces using just echo

See the top 10 IP addresses in a web access log

Check if the LHC has destroyed the world
This says if the LHC has destroyed the world. Run it in a loop to monitor the state of Earth. Might not work reliable, if the world has actually been destroyed.

backup and remove files with access time older than 5 days.
create an archive of files with access time older than 5 days, and remove original files.

Kill all processes that listen to ports begin with 50 (50, 50x, 50xxx,...)
Run netstat as root (via sudo) to get the ID of the process listening on the desired socket. Use awk to 1) match the entry that is the listening socket, 2) matching the exact port (bounded by leading colon and end of column), 3) remove the trailing slash and process name from the last column, and finally 4) use the system(…) command to call kill to terminate the process. Two direct commands, netstat & awk, and one forked call to kill. This does kill the specific port instead of any port that starts with 50. I consider this to be safer.

repeat a command every one second
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Get IPv4 of eth0 for use with scripts
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which program is this port belongs to ?
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save date and time for each command in history
Date-time format: YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS

backup delicious bookmarks
Useful script to backup all your delicious bookmarks. With decilicious shutting down soon , it could be useful

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