show Mysql uptime Show Sample Output
Want to run scripts/programs in the system after starting X minute [ For letting the system to free ]? This will give uptime in minute.
This will run them at the same time and timeout for each host in ten seconds. Also, mussh will append the ip addres to the beginning of the output so you know which host resonded with which time. The use of the sequence expression {1..50} is not specific to mussh. The `seq ...` works, but is less efficient.
find the uptime and convert in minutes, works with AIX and Linux too Show Sample Output
clush (cluster sh) is a very powerful tool to perform this kind of tests. The [a-b] syntax is expanded by clush. You can also play with names: cn[001-010] expands to cn001, cn002, cn003 .. cn010. Note that does not expands to cn1, cn2, etc., which is very useful, cause normally servers are named cn001, cn002... cn100
useful for human readable reports Show Sample Output
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