Commands by Flameeyes (7)

  • This is a quick replacement for lspci if you need to know what's in a given system but pciutils is not installed. You then need something that can look up the IDs from pci.ids if you want the verbose output. Show Sample Output

    for device in /sys/bus/pci/devices/*; do echo "$(basename ${device} | cut -c '6-') $(cut -c '3-6' ${device}/class): $(cut -c '3-' ${device}/vendor):$(cut -c '3-' ${device}/device)"; done
    Flameeyes · 2012-04-13 03:26:02 19
  • This works in combination with as it reports the NEEDED entries present in the files within a given path. You can then compare it with the libraries that are exported to make sure that, when cross-building a firmware image, you're not bringing in dependencies from the build host. The short version of it as can be seen in the same output is scanelf -RBnq -F "+n#f" $1 | tr ',' '\n' | sort -u Show Sample Output

    scanelf --nobanner --recursive --quiet --needed --format "+n#F" $1 | tr ',' '\n' | sort -u
    Flameeyes · 2012-03-29 18:30:45 4
  • This provides a list of shared object names (sonames) that are exported by a given tree. This is usually useful to make sure that a given required dependency (NEEDED entry) is present in a firmware image tree. The shorter (usable) version for it would be scanelf -RBSq -F "+S#f" But I used the verbose parameters in the command above, for explanation. Show Sample Output

    scanelf --nobanner --recursive --quiet --soname --format "+S#f"
    Flameeyes · 2012-03-29 18:26:25 3
  • The command requires app-text/xmlstarlet but it otherwise self-contained. It extracts all the herds and all the maintainers' email for a given package and is what I'm using on the Tinderbox to make it easier for me to report bugs. Show Sample Output

    xmlstarlet sel -t -m '/pkgmetadata/herd' -v . -n -t -m '/pkgmetadata/maintainer' -v email metadata.xml
    Flameeyes · 2010-08-09 22:37:19 4
  • This does almost the same thing as the original, but it runs the full backtrace for _all_ the threads, which is pretty important when reporting a crash for a multithreaded software, since more often than not, the signal handler is executed in a different thread than the crash happened.

    gdb --batch --quiet -ex "thread apply all bt full" -ex "quit" ${exe} ${corefile}
    Flameeyes · 2010-07-06 14:49:03 12
  • The output is only partial because runtime dependencies should count in also commands executed via system() and libraries loaded with dlopen(), but at least it gives an idea of what a package directly links to. Note: this is meaningful *only* if you're using -Wl,--as-needed in your LDFLAGS, otherwise it'll bring you a bunch of false positives. Show Sample Output

    qlist --exact "$pkg" | sudo scanelf --needed --quiet --format '%n#F' | tr ',' '\n' | sort -u | qfile --from -
    Flameeyes · 2010-07-06 14:39:15 96
  • Revised approach to and3k's version, using pipes and read rather than command substitution. This does not require fiddling with IFS when paths have whitespace, and does not risk hitting command-line size limits. It's less verbose on the missing files, but it stops iterating at the first file that's missing, so it should be definitely faster. I expanded all the qlist options to be more self-describing.

    emerge -av1 `qlist --installed --nocolor | uniq | while read cp; do qlist --exact $cp | while read file; do test -e $file || { echo $cp; echo "$cp: missing $file (and maybe more)" 1>&2; break; }; done; done`
    Flameeyes · 2010-07-04 19:55:42 8

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Check These Out

Remove empty directories
It only works in zsh

Extract tarball from internet without local saving

Test network speed without wasting disk
The above command will send 4GB of data from one host to the next over the network, without consuming any unnecessary disk on either the client nor the host. This is a quick and dirty way to benchmark network speed without wasting any time or disk space. Of course, change the byte size and count as necessary. This command also doesn't rely on any extra 3rd party utilities, as dd, ssh, cat, /dev/zero and /dev/null are installed on all major Unix-like operating systems.

Check the status of a network interface

Find all active ip's in a subnet

Empty a file

Which processes are listening on a specific port (e.g. port 80)
swap out "80" for your port of interest. Can use port number or named ports e.g. "http"

Convert CSV to JSON
Replace 'csv_file.csv' with your filename.

Converts all pngs in a folder to webp using all available cores
As an alternative to the above command, this one ditches the unnecessary and complicated for loop in favor of a way faster multi-core approach for a task that's more CPU than I/O intensive, making it a perfect suite for GNU parallel

Remove a line in a text file. Useful to fix
In this case it's better do to use the dedicated tool

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