I often have to google this so I put it here for quick reference.
If this matches any files on your web server expect to find allot of malware spread throughout your server folders. Seems to target wordpress sites. Be sure to check your themes/theme-name/header.php files manually for various redirect scripting usually in the line right above the close head tag. Good luck! Show Sample Output
I always forget this one and find all kinds of complex solutions on google. Also works great while piping data. ex. 'cat data | process-data | tr -d "\"" > processed-data-without-quotes'
I just used this to lowercase many gigs of old data we had lying around from a bunch of legacy DOS and win95/98 drives. WARNING - The entire directory is removed as the second command to help save working space and save an additional step. BE CAREFUL. In the unzip portion the -LL switch forces all extracted files and dirs to lower case, and the -0 speeds things up significantly by using no compression when making the zip file (but uses more space). Worked perfect and quickly for me after trying many other not so successful commands.
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