Commands using echo (1,545)

  • Very useful in shell scripts because you can run a task nicely in the background using job-control and output progress until it completes. Here's an example of how I use it in backup scripts to run gpg in the background to encrypt an archive file (which I create in this same way). $! is the process ID of the last run command, which is saved here as the variable PI, then sleeper is called with the process id of the gpg task (PI), and sleeper is also specified to output : instead of the default . every 3 seconds instead of the default 1. So a shorter version would be sleeper $!; The wait is also used here, though it may not be needed on your system. echo ">>> ENCRYPTING SQL BACKUP" gpg --output archive.tgz.asc --encrypt archive.tgz 1>/dev/null & PI=$!; sleeper $PI ":" 3; wait $PI && rm archive.tgz &>/dev/null Previously to get around the $! not always being available, I would instead check for the existance of the process ID by checking if the directory /proc/$PID existed, but not everyone uses proc anymore. That version is currently the one at but I plan on upgrading to this new version soon. Show Sample Output

    sleeper(){ while `ps -p $1 &>/dev/null`; do echo -n "${2:-.}"; sleep ${3:-1}; done; }; export -f sleeper
    AskApache · 2009-09-21 07:36:25 8
  • Plot your most used commands with gnuplot.

    history | awk '{a[$2]++}END{for(i in a){print a[i] " " i}}' | sort -rn | head > /tmp/cmds | gnuplot -persist <(echo 'plot "/tmp/cmds" using 1:xticlabels(2) with boxes')
    sthrs · 2010-06-13 23:35:13 7
  • usage: sitepass MaStErPaSsWoRd description: An admittedly excessive amount of hashing, but this will give you a pretty secure password, It also eliminates repeated characters and deletes itself from your command history. tr '!-~' 'P-~!-O' # this bit is rot47, kinda like rot13 but more nerdy rev # this avoids the first few bytes of gzip payload, and the magic bytes. Show Sample Output

    sitepass() { echo -n "$@" | md5sum | sha1sum | sha224sum | sha256sum | sha384sum | sha512sum | gzip - | strings -n 1 | tr -d "[:space:]" | tr -s '[:print:]' | tr '!-~' 'P-~!-O' | rev | cut -b 2-11; history -d $(($HISTCMD-1)); }
    grokskookum · 2009-10-01 20:14:57 12
  • This one liner takes the shell code that you can grab off of the web and disassemble it into readable assembly so you can validate the code does what it says, before using it. The shell code in the above example is from You can replace "-s intel" with "-s att" to get AT&T format disassembly. Show Sample Output

    echo -ne "<shellcode>" | x86dis -e 0 -s intel
    dsearle · 2010-06-12 08:08:13 9
  • Setting: You have a lot of jpg files in a directory. Maybe your public_html folder which is readable on the net because of Apache's mod_userdir. All those files from the current folder will be dropped into a file called gallery.html as image tags that can be viewed within a web browser locally or or over the Internet. Original: find . -iname "*.jpg" -exec echo "<img src=\"{}\">" >> gallery.html \;

    find . -iname '*.jpg' -exec echo '<img src="{}">' \; > gallery.html
    Schneckentreiber · 2010-07-03 16:36:15 7
  • Dialog's gauge widget accepts progress updates on stdin. This version runs dialog once and updates it every second. There's no need to use timeout which causes screen flicker since it restarts dialog for each update.

    for i in {0..600}; do echo $i; sleep 1; done | dialog --gauge "Install..." 6 40
    dennisw · 2010-10-05 02:29:23 4
  • is great but has a few bugs when people are submitting new commands: . 1. There is no preview button. This was a minor inconvenience before, but now is a major problem since new commands won't show up to be edited until they have been moderated. . 2. White space in the description field and in the comments is almost completely lost. People resort to using periods in between paragraphs to force a line break. Indentation of code is ridiculous. . 3. Many characters get munged. . 3a. For example, a less than character in the description gets read as an HTML tag and discarded. In order to type a less than, I've had to type "&lt;" (I hope that comes out right). Unfortunately, when re-editing a command, the HTML entity is turned into a literal less than character, which I have to change back by hand before saving. 3b. Some unicode characters work in the description field, but turn into ugly literal HTML strings when put in the sample output or in an additional command using the $ prefix. . For example, here is a unicode character: ❥ Here is the same character after a dollar sign: &#10085; . 3c. Some unicode characters don't work anywhere. Bizarrely, it appears to be the most commonly needed ones, such as Latin-1 accented characters. Here are some examples, . Bullet: ?, Center dot: ?, Umlaut u: ?. . 4. Here is an example of the greater than, >, and less than, . 5. Commandlinefu used to abbreviate long descriptions on the front page and had a "more..." button so that people could read the rest if they wanted. That's a good feature as it encourages people to explain their commands more fully. Either, the feature has gone missing, or, perhaps, I was just hallucinating it existed in the first place. If the former, please bring it back, If the latter, please implement this great new feature I just thought up. . 6. Tags cannot include Unicode characters. If you try to type one in, the cursor will just spin and spin as it attempt to look up if that tag exists already. For example, try typing Ctrl+Shift+u 2 7 6 5 SPC as a tag name. Show Sample Output

    echo "?????, these are the umlauted vowels I sing to you. Oh, and sometimes ?, but I don't sing that one cause it doesn't rhyme."
    hackerb9 · 2011-01-05 05:56:20 9
  • Invoked from within a shell script, this will print the directory in which the script resides. Doesn't depend on external tools, /proc/self/*, etc.. (`echo` is a shell builtin.) To see the *current working* directory of a script, use `pwd`.

    echo "${0%/*}"
    mhs · 2011-04-17 12:09:56 12
  • Put it in your ~/.bashrc usage: google word1 word2 word3... google '"this search gets quoted"' Show Sample Output

    function google { Q="$@"; GOOG_URL=''; AGENT="Mozilla/4.0"; stream=$(curl -A "$AGENT" -skLm 10 "${GOOG_URL}${Q//\ /+}" | grep -oP '\/url\?q=.+?&amp' | sed 's|/url?q=||; s|&amp||'); echo -e "${stream//\%/\x}"; }
    michelsberg · 2013-04-05 08:04:15 9
  • ;)

    echo SSBMb3ZlIFlvdQo= | base64 -d
    grissiom · 2009-02-07 11:58:39 31
  • Define a function vert () { echo $1 | grep -o '.'; } Use it to print some column headers paste <(vert several) <(vert parallel) <(vert vertical) <(vert "lines of") <(vert "text can") <(vert "be used") <(vert "for labels") <(vert "for columns") <(vert "of numbers") Show Sample Output

    echo "vertical text" | grep -o '.'
    dennisw · 2009-09-11 03:45:04 10
  • The above code is just an example of printing on the same line, hit Ctrl + C to stop When using echo -ne "something\r", echo will: - print "something" - dont print a new line (-n) - interpret \r as carriage return, going back to the start of the line (-e) Remember to print some white spaces after the output if your command will print lines of different sizes, mainly if one line will be smaller than the previous Edit from reading comments: You can achieve the same effect using printf (more standardized than echo): while true; do printf "%-80s\r" "$(date)"; sleep 1; done

    while true; do echo -ne "$(date)\r"; sleep 1; done
    polaco · 2009-11-17 22:45:37 12
  • Simple countdown clock that should be quite portable across any Bourne-compatible shell. I used to teach for a living, and I would run this code when it was time for a break. Usually, I would set "MIN" to 15 for a 15-minute break. The computer would be connected to a projector, so this would be projected on screen, front and center, for all to see. Show Sample Output

    MIN=1 && for i in $(seq $(($MIN*60)) -1 1); do echo -n "$i, "; sleep 1; done; echo -e "\n\nBOOOM! Time to start."
    atoponce · 2010-06-20 15:19:12 198

  • 12
    echo $(openssl rand 4 | od -DAn)
    putnamhill · 2010-11-09 14:55:39 10
  • substrings a variable starting at position. If no offset given prints rest of the line Show Sample Output

    var='123456789'; echo ${var:<start_pos>:<offset>}
    totti · 2011-09-14 20:05:17 5
  • When expanding, bash output the command, so don't be affraid if you type the command. Here is the details: First examples: echo foo bar foobar barfoo First argument: echo !$ echo barfoo barfoo (Note that typing echo foo bar foobar barfoo && echo !$, bash substitute !$ with $:1) Last argument: echo foo bar foobar barfoo && echo !^ echo foo bar foobar barfoo && echo barfoo foo bar foobar barfoo barfoo All the arguments: echo !* echo foo bar foobar barfoo foo bar foobar barfoo The third argument: echo foo bar foobar barfoo && echo !:3 echo foo bar foobar barfoo && echo foobar foo bar foobar barfoo foobar You may want to add {} for large numbers: echo !:{11} for example Now with path: echo /usr/bin/foobar /usr/bin/foobar For the head: echo !$:h echo /usr/bin /usr/bin And the tail: echo !$:t echo foobar foobar You also may want to try !:h and !:t or !!3-4 for the third and the fourth (so !!:* == !!:1-$)

    echo foo bar foobar barfoo && echo !$ !^ !:3 !* && echo /usr/bin/foobar&& echo !$:h !$:t
    lhb · 2009-02-17 09:10:17 11
  • From screen's manpage: "Attach here and now. In detail this means: If a session is running, then reattach. If necessary detach and logout remotely first. If it was not running create it and notify the user. This is the author's favorite." Toss this in your ~/.bash_profile so that you never have that "oh crap" moment where you wanted to run something in screen and didn't.

    echo "screen -DR" >> ~/.bash_profile
    sud0er · 2009-04-28 20:45:37 5
  • The variable ? contain the last exit status of a command, it can be printed for troubleshooting purpose. Show Sample Output

    echo $?
    servermanaged · 2009-05-09 17:32:23 15
  • This works in some situations where 'reset' and the other alternatives don't.

    echo <ctrl-v><esc>c<enter>
    kcm · 2009-08-05 18:32:28 9
  • This command uses mutt to send the mail. You must pipe in a body, otherwise mutt will prompt you for some stuff. If you don't have mutt, it should be dead easy to install.

    echo "Body goes here" | mutt -s "A subject" -a /path/to/file.tar.gz
    ketil · 2009-08-05 23:06:25 10
  • Sqlite database keeps collecting cruft as time passes, which can be cleaned by the 'vacuum;' command. This command cleans up the cruft in all sqlite files relating to the user you have logged in as. This command has to be run when firefox is not running, or it will exit displaying the pid of the firefox running.

    pgrep -u `id -u` firefox-bin || find ~/.mozilla/firefox -name '*.sqlite'|(while read -e f; do echo 'vacuum;'|sqlite3 "$f" ; done)
    kamathln · 2009-08-22 10:36:05 10
  • Displays a scrolling banner which loops until you hit Ctrl-C to terminate it. Make sure you finish your banner message with a space so it will loop nicely.

    while [ 1 ]; do banner 'ze missiles, zey are coming! ' | while IFS="\n" read l; do echo "$l"; sleep 0.01; done; done
    craigds · 2009-12-14 07:40:07 10
  • if you're using wildcards * or ? in your command, and if you're deleting, moving multiple files, it's always safe to see how those wildcards will expand. if you put "echo" in front of your command, the expanded form of your command will be printed. It's better safe than sorry. Show Sample Output

    echo rm *.txt
    alperyilmaz · 2010-10-27 07:26:26 6
  • Countdown clock - Counts down from $MIN minutes to zero. I let the date command do the maths. This version doesn't use seq. Show Sample Output

    MIN=10;for ((i=MIN*60;i>=0;i--));do echo -ne "\r$(date -d"0+$i sec" +%H:%M:%S)";sleep 1;done
    flatcap · 2011-02-20 11:56:28 25
  • Command makes use of the Malware Hash Registry ( It parses the current directory and subdirectories and calculates the md5 hash of the files, then prints the name and sends the hash to the MHR for a lookup in their database. The 3rd value in the result is the detection percentage across a mix of AV packages. Show Sample Output

    IFS=$'\n' && for f in `find . -type f -exec md5sum "{}" \;`; do echo $f | sed -r 's/^[^ ]+/Checking:/'; echo $f | cut -f1 -d' ' | netcat 43 ; done
    Neo23x0 · 2011-10-15 03:38:47 6
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Check These Out

Define shell variable HISTIGNORE so that comments (lines starting with #) appear in shell history
I was surprised to find that with RedHat bash, I could not find any comment lines (begining with #) in my bash shell history. Surprised because in Mageia Linux this works. It turns out that RedHat's bash will keep comment lines if in my .bashrc, I define: export HISTIGNORE=' cd "`*: PROMPT_COMMAND=?*?' Why have comment lines in shell history? It's a handy and convenient way to make proto-commands (to be completed later) and for storing brief text data that is searchable in shell history.

Use find to get around Argument list too long problem
Can be used for other commands as well, replace rm with ls. It is easy to make this shorter but if the filenames involved have spaces, you will need to do use find's "-print0" option in conjunction with xargs's "-0" option. Otherwise the shell that xargs uses to execute the "rm" command line will treat the space as a token separator, thereby treating the name as two (or more) names.

Convert CSV to JSON
Replace 'csv_file.csv' with your filename.

Retrieve the size of a file on a server
Downloads the entire file, but http servers don't always provide the optional 'Content-Length:' header, and ftp/gopher/dict/etc servers don't provide a filesize header at all.

Sort all running processes by their memory & CPU usage
you can also pipe it to "tail" command to show 10 most memory using processes.

Create POSIX tar archive
tar(1) and cpio(1) are not fully platform agnostic, although their file formats are specified in POSIX.1-2001. As such, GNU tar(1) might not be able to extract a BSD tar(1) archive, and ivce versa. pax(1) is defined in POSIX.1-2001. To extract an archive: $ pax -rf archive.tar

BourneShell: Go to previous directory
cd - would return to the previous directory of your cd command. NB: previous dir is always stored in $OLDPWD variable.

Copy a file using dd and watch its progress
This is a more accurate way to watch the progress of a dd process. The $DDPID=$! is needed so that you don't get the PID of the sleep. The sleep 1 is needed because in my testing at least, if you run kill -USR1 against dd too quickly, it will kill it off instead of display the status. So you need to wait a second, probably so that it can configure itself to trap the USR1 signal.

Find files with size over 100MB and output with better lay-out

Convert all Flac in a directory to Mp3 using maximum quality variable bitrate

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