Commands by jnash (12)

  • It uses curl --url-encode to encode long URLs *properly* and parses XML with xmlstarlet. If ~/.bitlyrc were to contain login:apikey then a script could read the apiKey and login from ~/.bitlyrc like so: login=$(sed 's/:.*//' < $HOME/.bitlyrc) apikey=$(sed 's/[^:]*://' < $HOME/.bitlyrc) curl -s --data-urlencode 'longUrl='$1 --data-urlencode 'login='$login --data-urlencode 'apiKey='$apikey '' | xmlstarlet sel -T -t -m "//shortUrl" -v "." | line Show Sample Output

    curl -s --data-urlencode 'longUrl='$1 --data-urlencode 'login='$login --data-urlencode 'apiKey='$apikey '' | xmlstarlet sel -T -t -m "//shortUrl" -v "." | line
    jnash · 2010-01-02 11:32:42 4
  • If you are behind a restrictive proxy/firewall that blocks port 22 connections but allows SSL on 443 (like most do) then you can still push changes to your github repository. Your .ssh/config file should contain: Host * ForwardX11 no TCPKeepAlive yes ProtocolKeepAlives 30 ProxyCommand /usr/local/bin/proxytunnel -v -p -d %h:443 Host User git Hostname ChallengeResponseAuthentication yes IdentityFile ~/.ssh/id_rsa IdentitiesOnly yes Basically proxytunnel "tunnels" your ssh connection through port 443. You could also use corkscrew or some other tunneling program that is available in your distro's repository. PS: I generally use "" as the SSH-HOST so that urls of the kind work transparently :) You

    git remote add origin git@SSH-HOST:<USER>/<REPOSITORY>.git
    jnash · 2009-11-19 06:57:50 9
  • I know this has been beaten to death but finding video files using mime types and printing the "hours of video" for each directory is (IMHO) easier to parse than just a single total. Output is in minutes. Among the other niceties is that it omits printing of non-video files/folders PS: Barely managed to fit it within the 255 character limit :D Show Sample Output

    for item in *;do echo -n "$item - ";find "$item" -type f -print0 | xargs -0 file -iNf - | grep video | cut -d: -f1 | xargs -d'\n' /usr/share/doc/mplayer/examples/midentify | grep ID_LENGTH | awk -F= '{sum+=$2} END {print(sum/60)}'; done | grep -v ' - 0$'
    jnash · 2009-11-19 06:28:15 4
  • Uses mime-type of files rather than relying on file extensions to find files of a certain type. This can obviously be extended to finding files of any other type as well.. like plain text files, audio, etc.. In reference to displaying the total hours of video (which was earlier posted in command line fu, but relied on the user having to supply all possible video file formats) we can now do better: find ./ -type f -print0 | xargs -0 file -iNf - | grep video | cut -d: -f1 | xargs -d'\n' /usr/share/doc/mplayer/examples/midentify | grep ID_LENGTH | awk -F "=" '{sum += $2} END {print sum/60/60; print "hours"}'

    find ./ -type f -print0 | xargs -0 file -iNf - | grep video | cut -d: -f1
    jnash · 2009-11-19 06:05:36 7
  • enlubtsqyuse cat /tmp/out subsequently Show Sample Output

    shuf -n1 /usr/share/dict/words | tee >(sed -e 's/./&\n/g' | shuf | tr -d '\n' | line) > /tmp/out
    jnash · 2009-04-05 05:29:06 7
  • Does that count as a win for bzip2? Show Sample Output

    < /dev/urandom tr -dc A-Za-z0-9_ | head -c $((1024 * 1024)) | tee >(gzip -c > out.gz) >(bzip2 -c > > /dev/null
    jnash · 2009-04-04 13:23:01 11
  • Are there any creative pieces of music that can be created using beep and the shell? I'd love to hear it!

    man beep | sed -e '1,/Note/d; /BUGS/,$d' | awk '{print $2}' | xargs -IX sudo beep -f X -l 500
    jnash · 2009-04-01 06:48:48 11
  • Some other notable dates that have passed: date -d@1234567890 date -d@1000000000 Show Sample Output

    date -d @$(echo $((2 ** 31 - 1)))
    jnash · 2009-03-30 19:42:20 4
  • Extremely useful to maintain backups if you're using Dropbox. This mirrors the entire directory structure and places symlinks in each to the original file. Instead of copying over the data again to the ~/Dropbox folder creating a symbolic link tree is much more sensible in terms of space usage. This has to be supplemented by another script that removes dead symlinks in the Dropbox folder which point to files that have been moved/removed. find -L ./ -type l -delete And then removing empty directories find ./ -type d -exec rmdir 2>/dev/null {} \; **Actually after some finding I found lndir which creates symbolic trees but it wasn't in the Arch repos so.. ;)

    find /home/user/doc/ -type d -printf "mkdir -vp '/home/user/Dropbox%p'\n" -o -type f -printf "ln -vs '%p' '/home/user/Dropbox%p'\n" | sh
    jnash · 2009-03-29 09:25:12 23
  • Might be more useful if you were able to print it in Days HH:MM:SS format as: perl -e '@p=gmtime(234234);printf("%d Days %02d:%02d:%02ds\n",@p[7,2,1,0]);' But I'm not exactly sure how to replace the 234234 with the output of the countdown time. (Having some problems with nested quoting/command substitution). Help would be appreciated :)

    watch --no-title -d -n 1 'echo `date -d "next Thursday" +%s` "-" `date +%s` | bc -l'
    jnash · 2009-03-29 06:53:09 9
  • Python comments begin with a #. Modify to suit other languages. Other uses: Instead of m0 use m$ for end of file or d for deleting all comments.

    jnash · 2009-03-27 18:56:36 12
  • Extensible to other ugly extensions like *.JPG, *.Jpg etc.. Leave out the last pipe to sh to perform a dry run.

    find ./ -iname "*.mp3" -type f -printf "mv '%p' '%p'\n" | sed -e "s/mp3'$/mp3'/I" | sh
    jnash · 2009-03-27 13:42:40 11

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