Felt like I need to win the lottery, and wrote this command so I train and develop my guessing abilities. Show Sample Output
Really bored during class so I made this... Basically, you hold period (or whatever) and hit enter after a second and you need to make the next line of periods the same length as the previous line... My record was 5 lines of the same length. It's best if you do it one handed with your pointer on period and ring on enter.
Change the APP variable's value to whatever you want to install. Depending on how fast your machine is, you'll want to adjust the value 50 to something else. You might also want to play a different game than Gnometris - just make sure it's a GUI game.
hold period (or whatever character) and hit enter after a second. You need to make the next line of periods the same length as the previous line... score starts at 0 and increase each time length of line is same.
Where $1 = author and $2 = mod name
You need to be running a daily build of Minetest (for example from the 'minetestdevs/daily-builds' PPA), or some bleeding edge mods will not work or crash the game.
Update a mod by entering its subdirectory under ~/.minetest/mods and doing
git pull && git submodule update --recursive --remote --init
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