Commands by rodolfoap (16)

  • The Piano Phase piece, by Steve Reich is a minimalist composition which is played on two pianos played at slightly different tempos, a task that's very difficult to accomplish by human players. The auditive effects produced by the cell displacement produce beautiful patterns. See . My rendered version: Requires sox to be installed on the system. There are multiple videos on youtube showing different approaches and experiences to this interpretation. There is also a synthesized version. Even if Bash can behave as a powerful pianist, a simple threaded version leaves full room to several time glitches and even negative displacements, the same issues that human pianists experience when playing the piece. The older the computer, the better the chaos added to the result due to the CPU load. Apparently that's the reason Steve Reich composes pieces such as this. Without further ado, please give a warm welcome to the Bash minimalist player on synthesized two-threaded pianos. Please turn off your cellphones.

    phase() { while :; do for n in E4 F#4 B4 C#5 D5 F#4 E4 C#5 B4 F#4 D5 C#5; do /usr/bin/play -qn synth $1 pluck $n; done; echo -n "[$1]"; done; }; phase 0.13 & phase 0.131 &
    rodolfoap · 2017-06-14 20:29:26 21
  • This function will encrypt a bash script and will only execute it after providing the passphrase. Requires mcrypt to be installed on the system. Show Sample Output

    scrypt(){ [ -n "$1" ]&&{ echo '. <(echo "$(tail -n+2 $0|base64 -d|mcrypt -dq)"); exit;'>$1.scrypt;cat $1|mcrypt|base64 >>$1.scrypt;chmod +x $1.scrypt;};}
    rodolfoap · 2017-06-14 16:27:20 20
  • Lost your luks passphrase? You can always bruteforce from the command line. See the sample output, a simple command using a dictionary. Show Sample Output

    cat dictionary.txt|while read a; do echo $a|cryptsetup luksOpen /dev/sda5 sda5 $a && echo KEY FOUND: $a; done
    rodolfoap · 2014-04-16 18:49:53 11
  • Lost your luks passphrase? You can always bruteforce from the command line. See the sample output, a simple command for the "pass" word, using combinations of upper/lowercase or number replacement. The generated combinations are: for a in {p,P}{a,A,4}{s,S,5}{s,S,5}; do echo $a; done pass pasS pas5 paSs paSS paS5 ... Show Sample Output

    for a in {p,P}{a,A,4}{s,S,5}{s,S,5}; do echo $a|cryptsetup luksOpen /dev/sda5 $a && echo KEY FOUND: $a; done
    rodolfoap · 2014-04-16 18:41:50 6
  • Reads n lines from stdin and puts the contents in a variable. Yes, I know the read command and its options, but find this logical even for one line. Show Sample Output

    VAR=$(head -5)
    rodolfoap · 2014-04-05 13:45:18 8
  • (Please see sample output for usage) Use any script name (the read command gets it) and it will be encrypted with the extension .crypt, i.e.: myscript --> myscript.crypt You can execute myscript.crypt only if you know the password. If you die, your script dies with you. If you modify the startup line, be careful with the offset calculation of the crypted block (the XX string). Not difficult to make script editable (an offset-dd piped to a gpg -d piped to a vim - piped to a gpg -c directed to ), but not enough space to do it on a one liner. Sorry for the chmod on parentheses, I dont like "-" at the end. Thanks flatcap for the subshell abbreviation to /dev/null Show Sample Output

    read -p 'Script: ' S && C=$S.crypt H='eval "$((dd if=$0 bs=1 skip=//|gpg -d)2>/dev/null)"; exit;' && gpg -c<$S|cat >$C <(echo $H|sed s://:$(echo "$H"|wc -c):) - <(chmod +x $C)
    rodolfoap · 2013-03-10 08:59:45 14
  • (Please see sample output for usage) script.bash is your script, which will be crypted to script.bash --> You can execute only if you know the password. If you die, your script dies with you. If you modify the startup line, be careful with the offset calculation of the crypted block (the XX string). Not difficult to make script editable (an offset-dd piped to a gpg -d piped to a vim - piped to a gpg -c directed to ), but not enough space to do it on a one liner. Show Sample Output

    echo "eval \"\$(dd if=\$0 bs=1 skip=XX 2>/dev/null|gpg -d 2>/dev/null)\"; exit" >; sed -i s:XX:$(stat -c%s; gpg -c < script.bash >>; chmod +x
    rodolfoap · 2013-03-09 11:16:48 21
  • This is just a proof of concept: A FILE WHICH CAN AUTOMOUNT ITSELF through a SIMPLY ENCODED script. It takes advantage of the OFFSET option of mount, and uses it as a password (see that 9191? just change it to something similar, around 9k). It works fine, mounts, gets modified, updated, and can be moved by just copying it. USAGE: SEE SAMPLE OUTPUT The file is composed of three parts: a) The legible script (about 242 bytes) b) A random text fill to reach the OFFSET size (equals PASSWORD minus 242) c) The actual filesystem Logically, (a)+(b) = PASSWORD, that means OFFSET, and mount uses that option. PLEASE NOTE: THIS IS NOT AN ENCRYPTED FILESYSTEM. To improve it, it can be mounted with a better encryption script and used with encfs or cryptfs. The idea was just to test the concept... with one line :) It applies the original idea of for encrypting the file. The embedded bash script can be grown, of course, and the offset recalculation goes fine. I have my own version with bash --init-file to startup a bashrc with a well-defined environment, aliases, variables. Show Sample Output

    dd if=/dev/zero of=T bs=1024 count=10240;mkfs.ext3 -q T;E=$(echo 'read O;mount -o loop,offset=$O F /mnt;'|base64|tr -d '\n');echo "E=\$(echo $E|base64 -d);eval \$E;exit;">F;cat <(dd if=/dev/zero bs=$(echo 9191-$(stat -c%s F)|bc) count=1) <(cat T;rm T)>>F
    rodolfoap · 2013-01-31 01:38:30 14
  • Would create a file with a meaningful title. Dedicated to John Cons, who is annoying us users. Merry Christmas!!! Show Sample Output

    alias Z=base64&&Z=dG91Y2ggUExFQVNFX1NUT1BfQU5OT1lJTkdfQ09NTUFORExJTkVGVV9VU0VSUwo=&&$(echo $Z|Z -d)
    rodolfoap · 2010-12-24 14:29:19 21
  • Im' not interested in images, but that's how I would do it.

    curl -s|sed -r 's/.*href="([^"]*).*/\1\n/g'|grep images|xargs wget
    rodolfoap · 2010-12-12 06:32:19 4
  • Shows a zenity progressbar for each file in a script, see the samble output. Works with any number, less, equal or greater than 100. x is not initially defined. If used twice in the script, set it: x=0 (for FILE in $@; do echo $[100*++x/$#]; command... "$FILE"; done)|zenity --progress --auto-close Show Sample Output

    (for FILE in $@; do echo $[100*++x/$#]; command-for-each-parameter; done)|zenity --progress --auto-close
    rodolfoap · 2010-10-05 10:07:04 6
  • Simple alternative to the previous submitted one

    pdftk in.pdf burst
    rodolfoap · 2010-02-10 13:31:36 17
  • Better -and faster- using bash printf. Show Sample Output

    printf "%50s\n"|tr ' ' -
    rodolfoap · 2010-01-07 08:49:46 7
  • Felt like I need to win the lottery, and wrote this command so I train and develop my guessing abilities. Show Sample Output

    A=1;B=100;X=0;C=0;N=$[$RANDOM%$B+1];until [ $X -eq $N ];do read -p "N between $A and $B. Guess? " X;C=$(($C+1));A=$(($X<$N?$X:$A));B=$(($X>$N?$X:$B));done;echo "Took you $C tries, Einstein";
    rodolfoap · 2009-12-16 13:24:23 193
  • Today I needed to choose an icon for an app. My simpler way: put all of /usr/share/icons in myicons folder and brows'em with nautilus. Then rm -r 'ed the entire dir. Show Sample Output

    mkdir myicons && find /usr/share/icons/ -type f | xargs cp -t myicons
    rodolfoap · 2009-12-09 17:43:28 8
  • find makes it easier, filtering . and .. maxdepth could be removed, finding entries recursively. Removing mindepth causes . to appear Show Sample Output

    find -mindepth 1 -maxdepth 1 -name .\*
    rodolfoap · 2009-11-24 22:18:33 6

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happened to find this not bad software to keep my files and folders safe! Even the free trial version has the fantastic functions to protect any private files from being seen by anyone except me. With it I can encrypt, hide or lock anything I want, amazin
I noticed some spammer posted an advertisement here for "not bad" encryption. Unfortunately, their software only runs under Microsoft Windows and fails to work from the commandline. My shell script improves upon those two aspects, with no loss in security, using the exact same "military-grade" encryption technology, which has the ultra-cool codename "ROT-13". For extra security, I recommend running ROT-13 twice.

quickly rename a file

Start a local web server in the current directory on a random dynamic port.

Randomize lines (opposite of | sort)
Randomizes a file. The opposite of sort is sort -R!

Google Translate
$ translate [output-language] [source-language] 1) "some phrase" should be in quotes 2) [output-language] - optional (default: English) 3) [source-language] - optional (default: auto) $ translate "bonjour petit lapin" hello little rabbit $ translate "bonjour petit lapin" en hello little rabbit $ translate "bonjour petit lapin" en fr hello little rabbit

Umount only the NFS related to 'string'
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add all files not under version control to repository
This should handle whitespaces well and will not get confused if your filenames have "?" in them

Pretty-print user/group info for a given user

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