Commands tagged cpuinfo (13)

  • This command list all CPU technical infos. Show Sample Output

    Vosaxalo · 2010-09-18 08:51:12 48

  • 5
    lscpu | egrep 'Model name|Socket|Thread|NUMA|CPU\(s\)'
    aysadk · 2020-09-19 17:19:09 341
  • Check if you have 64bit by looking for "lm" in cpuinfo. lm stands for "long mem". This can also be used without being root.

    if cat /proc/cpuinfo | grep " lm " &> /dev/null; then echo "Got 64bit" ; fi
    xeor · 2010-04-10 15:31:58 7
  • Extracts the model name of the CPU and displays it on screen. Show Sample Output

    grep "model name" /proc/cpuinfo
    getkaizer · 2009-11-05 05:23:30 4
  • There is no need for variables. I also added sleep to reduce cpu usage, however I didn't test it.

    while :; do acpi -t | osd_cat -p bottom ; sleep 1; done &
    John_W · 2011-01-14 13:57:45 10
  • sort is way slow by default. This tells sort to use a buffer equal to half of the available free memory. It also will use multiple process for the sort equal to the number of cpus on your machine (if greater than 1). For me, it is magnitudes faster. If you put this in your bash_profile or startup file, it will be set correctly when bash is started. sort -S1 --parallel=2 <(echo) &>/dev/null && alias sortfast='sort -S$(($(sed '\''/MemF/!d;s/[^0-9]*//g'\'' /proc/meminfo)/2048)) $([ `nproc` -gt 1 ]&&echo -n --parallel=`nproc`)' Alternative echo|sort -S10M --parallel=2 &>/dev/null && alias sortfast="command sort -S$(($(sed '/MemT/!d;s/[^0-9]*//g' /proc/meminfo)/1024-200)) --parallel=$(($(command grep -c ^proc /proc/cpuinfo)*2))" Show Sample Output

    alias sortfast='sort -S$(($(sed '\''/MemF/!d;s/[^0-9]*//g'\'' /proc/meminfo)/2048)) $([ `nproc` -gt 1 ]&&echo -n --parallel=`nproc`)'
    AskApache · 2012-02-28 01:34:58 7
  • Check whether hyperthreading is enabled or not. a better solution as nproc should work on all OS with awk Show Sample Output

    awk -F: '/^core id/ && !P[$2] { CORES++; P[$2]=1 }; /^physical id/ && !N[$2] { CPUs++; N[$2]=1 }; END { print CPUs*CORES }' /proc/cpuinfo
    emphazer · 2018-05-14 14:17:33 221
  • Information for only one core. Show Sample Output

    grep 'model\|MHz' /proc/cpuinfo |tail -n 2
    schmiddim · 2010-11-14 20:32:27 5
  • No need for a colon, and one less semicolon too. Also untested.

    while sleep 1; do acpi -t | osd_cat -p bottom; done &
    linuts · 2011-01-14 23:22:57 5
  • This version is precise and requires one second to collect statistics. Check sample output for a more generic version and also a remote computer invocation variant. It doesn't work with the busybox version of the 'top' command but can be adjusted Show Sample Output

    top -bn2|awk -F, '/Cpu/{if (NR>4){print 100-gensub(/.([^ ]+).*/,"\\1","g",$4)}}'
    ichbins · 2014-04-18 17:48:05 6
  • Alternative command to retrieve the CPU model name and strip off the "model name : " labels. Show Sample Output

    sed -n 's/^model name[ \t]*: *//p' /proc/cpuinfo
    jgc · 2009-11-05 10:59:31 4
  • 4.1.6-1-ARCH Info cpu

    cat /proc/cpuinfo | less
    olto · 2015-10-01 04:34:03 10
  • It works in every linux box Show Sample Output

    cat /proc/cpuinfo
    magicjohnson_ · 2010-09-24 09:27:58 4

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