top accecpts a comma separated list of PIDs.
'top' has fancy layout modes where you can have several windows with different things displayed. You can configure a layout and then save it with 'W'. It will then be restored every time you run top.
E.g. to have two colored windows, one sorted by CPU usage, the other by memory usage, run top
then press the keys
<A> <z> <a> <-> <a> <z> <a> <-> <a>
and then as you don?t want to repeat this the next time:
pgrep foo
may return several pids for process foobar footy01 etc. like this:
sed puts "-p " in front and we pass a list to top:
top -p 11427 -p 12576 -p 12577
One of my favorite ways to impress newbies (and old hats) to the power of the shell, is to give them an incredibly colorful and amazing version of the top command that runs once upon login, just like running fortune on login. It's pretty sweet believe me, just add this one-liner to your ~/.bash_profile -- and of course you can set the height to be anything, from 1 line to 1000!
G=$(stty -g);stty rows $((${LINES:-50}/2));top -n1; stty $G;unset G
Doesn't take more than the below toprc file I've added below, and you get all 4 top windows showing output at the same time.. each with a different color scheme, and each showing different info. Each window would normally take up 1/4th of your screen when run like that - TOP is designed as a full screen program. But here's where you might learn something new today on this great site.. By using the stty command to change the terminals internal understanding of the size of your terminal window, you force top to also think that way as well.
# save the correct settings to G var.
G=$(stty -g)
# change the number of rows to half the actual amount, or 50 otherwise
stty rows $((${LINES:-50}/2))
# run top non-interactively for 1 second, the output stays on the screen (half at least)
top -n1
# reset the terminal back to the correct values, and clean up after yourself
stty $G;unset G
This trick from my [ bash_profile ], though the online version will be updated soon. Just think what else you could run like this!
Note 1: I had to edit the toprc file out due to this site can't handle that (uploads/including code). So you can grab it from [ my site ]
Note 2: I had to come back and edit again because the links weren't being correctly parsed
Show Sample Output
Like command 10870, but no need for sed
It displays the top 10 processes sorted by memory usage Show Sample Output
Top 10 Memory Processes (reduced output to applications and %usage only) Show Sample Output
This is useful if you use a shell with a lot of other users. You will be able to run "topu" to see your running processes instead of the complete 'top -u username'. Read more on alias:
This version is precise and requires one second to collect statistics. Check sample output for a more generic version and also a remote computer invocation variant. It doesn't work with the busybox version of the 'top' command but can be adjusted Show Sample Output
It repeats a command, such as free, every five seconds and highlights the differences
Show only specific process id's using Top Show Sample Output
You can also use different process using comma: top -p `pgrep pidgin`, `pgrep python` but you have to make sure the process exists or you'll get an error Show Sample Output
This is a alternate command I like to use instead of TOP or HTOP to see what are the processes which are taking up the most memory on a system. It shows the username, process ID, CPU usage, Memory usage, thread ID, Number of threads associated with parent process, Resident Set Size, Virtual Memory Size, start time of the process, and command arguments. Then it's sorted by memory and showing the top 10 with head. This of course can be changed to suit you needs. I have a small system which is why Firefox is taking so much resources. Show Sample Output is the place to record those command-line gems that you return to again and again. That way others can gain from your CLI wisdom and you from theirs too. All commands can be commented on, discussed and voted up or down.
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