It's not my code, but I found it useful to know how many open connections per request I have on a machine to debug connections without opening another http connection for it. You can also decide to sort things out differently then the way it appears in here. Show Sample Output
Can be run as a script `ftrace` if my_command is substrituted with "$@" It is useful when running a command that fails and you have the feeling it is accessing a file you are not aware of. Show Sample Output
Shows updated status in a terminal window for connections to port '80' in a human-friendly form. Use 'watch -n1' to update every second, and 'watch -d' to highlight changes between updates. If you wish for status updates on a port other than '80', always remember to put a space afterwards so that ":80" will not match ":8080". Show Sample Output
whowatch is a interactive, ncurses-based, process and users monitoring tool, which updates information in real time. This is a perfect tool for local and remote servers. It displays information about the users currently logged on to the machine, in real-time. Besides standard information (login name, tty, host, user's process), the type of the connection (ie. telnet or ssh) is shown. Display of users command line can be switch to tty idle time. Certain user can be selected and his processes tree may be viewed as well as tree of all system processes. Tree may be displayed with additional column that shows owner of each process. In the process tree mode SIGINT and SIGKILL signals can be sent to the selected process. Killing processes is just as simple and fun as deleting lines on the screen.
See man vmstat for information about the statistics.
This does the same thing without the timestamp:
vmstat 5
Show Sample Output
Maybe this will help you to monitor your load balancers or reverse proxies if you happen to use them. This is useful to discover TIME OUTS and this will let you know if one or more of your application servers is not connected by checking. Show Sample Output
I must monitorize a couple of ftp servers every morning WITHOUT a port-scanner Instead of ftp'ing on 100 ftp servers manually to test their status I use this loop. It might be adaptable to other services, however it may require a 'logout' string instead of 'quit'. The file ftps.txt contains the full list of ftp servers to monitorize.
This command monitors changes in the current folder structure (subfolders included) and files, and log it into a hidden file in the same folder, called `.file_changes_YYMMDD.log`. Modify the `--exclude` parameters to define what should be skipped. Show Sample Output
You can also use different process using comma: top -p `pgrep pidgin`, `pgrep python` but you have to make sure the process exists or you'll get an error Show Sample Output
Sometime you need to monitor file or direcory change in dimension or other attributes. This command output file (called myfile in the example) attributes in the top of the screen, updating each 1 second. You should change update time, command ( e.g., ls -all ) or target ( myfile, mydir, etc...). Show Sample Output
Doesn't list connections to other ports than port 80. Not f.e. 8080 or 8091. Excludes programs listening for connections, like your favorite webserver.
Add up the amount of memory your processes are using and display the total. Replace marcanuy with your desired username. Show Sample Output
Monitoring system in one line : DISK : disk space MEM: memory ( mem , swap, Total) CPU : all information about cpu activity LOAD : load average Show Sample Output
activate the first alert and the next ones are activated automatically. Show Sample Output
Monitoring TCP connections number showing each state. It uses ss instead of netstat because it's much faster with high trafic. You can fgrep specific ports by piping right before awk: watch "ss -nat | fgrep :80 | awk '"'{print $1}'"' | sort | uniq -c" Show Sample Output is the place to record those command-line gems that you return to again and again. That way others can gain from your CLI wisdom and you from theirs too. All commands can be commented on, discussed and voted up or down.
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