Check RAM size
Here we instead show a more real figure for how much free RAM you have when taking into consideration buffers that can be freed if needed. Unix machines leave data in memory but marked it free to overwrite, so using the first line from the "free" command will mostly give you back a reading showing you are almost out of memory, but in fact you are not, as the system can free up memory as soon as it is needed. I just noticed the free command is not on my OpenBSD box. Show Sample Output
Quick and dirty hardware summary where lshw is not available. Requires util-linux, procps, pciutils, usbutils and net-tools, which should be preinstalled on most systems.
makes more sense to customers XD Show Sample Output
free swap
Does not output the word "shared" so you can easily store this number in a variable. Show Sample Output
Output for human beings! Show Sample Output
Monitoring system in one line : DISK : disk space MEM: memory ( mem , swap, Total) CPU : all information about cpu activity LOAD : load average Show Sample Output
Clear Cached Memory on Ubuntu based distributions, and also display memory status. Please do not use this on a production machine unless you really really know what you are doing. Echo 3 is a kinder way of purging the memory, you can also use 'echo 2' or 'echo 1' if #1 You know what you are doing, and #2 refer to number 1 :-)
This command shows a high level overview of system memory and usage refreshed in seconds. Change -n 10 to you desired refresh interval. Show Sample Output
simple way to show free swap Show Sample Output is the place to record those command-line gems that you return to again and again. That way others can gain from your CLI wisdom and you from theirs too. All commands can be commented on, discussed and voted up or down.
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