Commands using read (340)

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    while read l; do echo -e "$RANDOM\t$l"; done | sort -n | cut -f 2
    unixmonkey28183 · 2011-12-09 01:02:27 4
  • The script gets the dimensions and position of a window and calls ffmpeg to record audio and video of that window. It saves it to a file named output.mkv Show Sample Output

    echo "Click a window to start recording"; read x y W H <<< `xwininfo | grep -e Width -e Height -e Absolute | grep -oE "[[:digit:]]{1,}" | tr "\n" " "`; ffmpeg -f alsa -ac 1 -i pulse -f x11grab -s ${W}x${H} -r 25 -i :0.0+${x},${y} -sameq output.mkv
    joseCanciani · 2012-03-14 19:42:28 6
  • This command find which of your zip (or jar) files (when you have lots of them) contains a file you're searching for. It's useful when you have a lot of zip (or jar) files and need to know in which of them the file is archived. It's most common with .jar files when you have to know which of the .jar files contains the java class you need. To find in jar files, you must change "zip" to "jar" in the "find" command. The [internal file name] must be changed to the file name you're searching that is archived into one of the zip/jar files. Before run this command you must step into the directory that contains the zip or jar files.

    find . -iname '*.zip' | while read file; do unzip -l "$file" | grep -q [internal file name] && echo $file; done
    ricardofunke · 2012-03-23 18:08:35 10
  • # find assumes email files start with a number 1-9 # sed joins the lines starting with " " to the previous line # gawk print the received and from lines # sort according to the second field (received+from) # uniq print the duplicated filename # a message is viewed as duplicate if it is received at the same time as another message, and from the same person. The command was intended to be run under cron. If run in a terminal, mutt can be used: mutt -e "push otD~=xq" -f $folder Show Sample Output

    find $folder -name "[1-9]*" -type f -print|while read file; do echo $file $(sed -e '/^$/Q;:a;$!N;s/\n //;ta;s/ /_/g;P;D' $file|awk '/^Received:/&&!r{r=$0}/^From:/&&!f{f=$0}r&&f{printf "%s%s",r,f;exit(0)}');done|sort -k 2|uniq -d -f 1
    lpb612 · 2013-01-21 22:50:51 8
  • How much memory is chrome sucking? Show Sample Output

    ps -e -m -o user,pid,args,%mem,rss | grep Chrome | perl -ne 'print "$1\n" if / (\d+)$/' | ( x=0;while read line; do (( x += $line )); done; echo $((x/1024)) );
    unixmonkey39631 · 2013-05-07 22:50:44 13
  • I tried a few curses based mp3 players for playing back choir practice songs for my wife. Unfortunately none of the ones I tried were capable of scrubbing a track. Firefox saves the day.

    find . -name '*.mp3' | sort | while read -r mp3; do echo -e "<h3>$mp3</h3>\n<audio controls src=\"$mp3\"></audio>"; done > index.html; python -m http.server
    hendry · 2014-03-24 15:01:49 9
  • This is probably overkill, but I have some issues when the directories have spaces in their names. The find . -type d -print0 | while read -d $'\0' dir; do xxx; done loops over all the subdirectories in this place, ignoring the white spaces (to some extend). cd "$dir"; echo " process $dir"; cd -; goes to the directory and back. It also prints some info to check the progress. find . -maxdepth 1 -name "*.ogg.mp3" -exec rename 's/.ogg.mp3/.mp3/' {} \; renames the file within the current directory. The whole should work with directories and file names that include white spaces. Show Sample Output

    find . -type d -print0 | while read -d $'\0' dir; do cd "$dir"; echo " process $dir"; find . -maxdepth 1 -name "*.ogg.mp3" -exec rename 's/.ogg.mp3/.mp3/' {} \; ; cd -; done
    bilbopingouin · 2014-08-25 11:28:43 8
  • replace all "?" characters in filename to underscore Show Sample Output

    find . -type f -name "*\?*" | while read f;do mv "$f" "${f//[^0-9A-Za-z.\/\(\)\ ]/_}";done
    miccaman · 2014-11-28 14:55:27 12
  • Copy this function to command line, press 'Enter' 'f'' 'Enter' to execute (sentence on the left written only for newbies). Hint 'e|x|v|1..9' in front of displayed last modified file name means: "Press 'e' for edit,'x' for execute,'v' for view or a digit-key '1..9' to touch one file from the recent files list to be last modified" and suggested (hidden files are listed too, else remove 'a' from 'ls -tarp' statement if not intended). If you find this function useful you can then rename it if needed and append or include into your ~/.bashrc config script. With the command . ~/.bashrc the function then can be made immediately available. In the body of the function modifications can be made, i.e. replaced joe editor command or added new option into case statement, for example 'o) exo-open $h;;' command for opening file with default application - or something else (here could not be added since the function would exceed 255 chars). To cancel execution of function started is no need to press Ctrl-C - if the mind changed and want to leave simple Enter-press is enough. Once defined, this function can with typeset -f f command be displayed in easy readable form Show Sample Output

    f() { ls -lart;e="ls -tarp|grep -v /|tail -9";j=${e/9/1};g=${e/9/9|nl -nln};h=$(eval $j);eval $g;read -p "e|x|v|1..9 $(eval $j)?" -n 1 -r;case $REPLY in e) joe $h;;v)cat $h;;x) eval $h;;[1-9]) s=$(eval $g|egrep ^$REPLY) && touch "${s:7}" && f;;esac ; }
    knoppix5 · 2019-09-26 11:58:37 250
  • This is a simple case of recursing through all directories, adding the '.bak' extension to every file. Of course, the 'cp $file $file.bak' could be any code you need to apply to your recursion, including tests, other functions, creating variables, doing math, etc. Simple and clean recursion.

    find . -type f | while read file; do cp $file ${file}.bak; done
    atoponce · 2009-03-01 23:42:49 16

  • 1
    find . \( -type d -name .svn -prune \) -o -print | while read file ; do mergeinfo=`svn propget svn:mergeinfo $file` ; [ "$mergeinfo" != "" ] && echo -e "$file\n $mergeinfo\n" ; done
    troelskn · 2009-04-04 23:26:03 5
  • command | my_irc Pipe whatever you want to this function, it will, if everything goes well, be redirected to a channel or a user on an IRC server. Please note that : - I am not responsible of flood excesses you might provoke. - that function does not reply to PINGs from the server. That's the reason why I first write in a temporary file. Indeed, I don't want to wait for inputs while being connected to the server. However, according to the configuration of the server and the length of your file, you may timeout before finishing. - Concerning the server, the variable content must be on the form " 6667" (or any other port). If you want to make some tests, you can also create a fake IRC server on "localhost 55555" by using netcat -l -p 55555 - Concerning the target, you can choose a channel (beginning with a '#' like "#chan") or a user (like "user") - The other variables have obvious names. Show Sample Output

    function my_irc { tmp=`mktemp`; cat > $tmp; { echo -e "USER $username x x :$ircname\nNICK $nick\nJOIN $target"; while read line; do echo -e "PRIVMSG $target :$line"; done < $tmp; } | nc $server > /dev/null ; rm $tmp; }
    Josay · 2009-06-11 22:14:48 7

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    md5sum * | sed 's/^\(\w*\)\s*\(.*\)/\2 \1/' | while read LINE; do mv $LINE; done
    opexxx · 2009-07-30 13:41:39 5
  • This version uses host and no ruby.

    while read n; do host $n; done < list
    putnamhill · 2009-12-07 18:03:20 4
  • Prompts the user for username and password, that are then exported to http_proxy for use by wget, yum etc Default user, webproxy and port are used. Using this script prevent the cleartext user and pass being in your bash_history and on-screen Show Sample Output

    set-proxy () { P=webproxy:1234; DU="fred"; read -p "username[$DU]:" USER; printf "%b"; UN=${USER:-$DU}; read -s -p "password:" PASS; printf "%b" "\n"; export http_proxy="http://${UN}:${PASS}@$P/"; export ftp_proxy="http://${UN}:${PASS}@$P/"; }
    shadycraig · 2010-02-04 13:12:59 5

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    find /dev/vg00 -type b |while read L; do lvextend -m 1 $L /dev/disk/<disk> ; done
    mobidyc · 2010-02-04 15:18:26 3
  • This one uses hex conversion to do the converting and is in shell/sed only (should probably still use the python/perl version).

    uri_escape(){ echo -E "$@" | sed 's/\\/\\\\/g;s/./&\n/g' | while read -r i; do echo $i | grep -q '[a-zA-Z0-9/.:?&=]' && echo -n "$i" || printf %%%x \'"$i" done }
    infinull · 2010-02-13 01:39:51 41
  • hold period (or whatever character) and hit enter after a second. You need to make the next line of periods the same length as the previous line... score starts at 0 and increase each time length of line is same.

    while $8;do read n;[ $n = "$l" ]&&c=$(($c+1))||c=0;echo $c;l=$n;done
    florian · 2010-03-31 00:41:08 30
  • The above is an example of grabbing only the first column. You can define the start and end points specifically by chacater position using the following command: while read l; do echo ${l:10:40}; done < three-column-list.txt > column-c10-c40.txt Of course, it doesn't have to be a column, or extraction, it can be replacement while read l; do echo ${l/foo/bar}; done < list-with-foo.txt > list-with-bar.txt Read more about parameter expansion here: Think of this as an alternative to awk or sed for file operations

    while read l; do echo ${l%% *}; done < three-column-list.txt > only-first-column.txt
    zed · 2010-07-09 03:42:56 3
  • This script compares the modification date of /var/lib/dpkg/info/${package}.list and all the files mentioned there. It could be wrong on noatime partitions. Here is non-oneliner: #!/bin/sh package=$1; list=/var/lib/dpkg/info/${package}.list; inst=$(stat "$list" -c %X); cat $list | ( while read file; do if [ -f "$file" ]; then acc=$(stat "$file" -c %X); if [ $inst -lt $acc ]; then echo used $file exit 0 fi; fi; done exit 1 ) Show Sample Output

    package=$1; list=/var/lib/dpkg/info/${package}.list; inst=$(stat "$list" -c %X); cat $list | (while read file; do if [ -f "$file" ];then acc=$(stat "$file" -c %X); if [ $inst -lt $acc ]; then echo used $file; exit 0; fi; fi; done; exit 1)
    pipeliner · 2010-09-20 18:10:19 5

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    echo "12 morning\n15 afternoon\n24 evening" |while read t g; do if [ `date +%H` -lt $t ]; then echo "Good $g"; break; fi; done
    dendoes · 2010-09-23 13:06:10 5

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    find . -name "*.jar" | while read line; do unzip -l $line; done | grep your-string
    voidpointer · 2010-09-28 16:15:01 5
  • The given example collects output of the tail command: Whenever a line is emitted, further lines are collected, until no more output comes for one second. This group of lines is then sent as notification to the user. You can test the example with logger "First group"; sleep 1; logger "Second"; logger "group"

    tail -f /var/log/messages | while read line; do accu="$line"; while read -t 1 more; do accu=`echo -e "$accu\n$more"`; done; notify-send "Syslog" "$accu"; done
    hfs · 2010-10-10 16:28:08 3
  • Increase the modification date for the files selected with the find command.

    find . -type f | while read line; do NEW_TS=`date -d@$((\`stat -c '%Y' $line\` + <seconds> )) '+%Y%m%d%H%M.%S'`; touch -t $NEW_TS ${line}; done
    angleto · 2010-11-18 14:03:32 3
  • make, find and a lot of other programs can take a lot of time. And can do not. Supppose you write a long, complicated command and wonder if it will be done in 3 seconds or 20 minutes. Just add "R" (without quotes) suffix to it and you can do other things: zsh will inform you when you can see the results. You can replace zenity with other X Window dialogs program.

    alias -g R=' &; jobs | tail -1 | read A0 A1 A2 cmd; echo "running $cmd"; fg "$cmd"; zenity --info --text "$cmd done"; unset A0 A1 A2 cmd'
    pipeliner · 2010-12-13 17:44:36 2
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Check These Out

Insert commas to make reading numbers easier in the output of ls
This modifies the output of ls so that the file size has commas every three digits. It makes room for the commas by destructively eating any characters to the left of the size, which is probably okay since that's just the "group".   Note that I did not write this, I merely cleaned it up and shortened it with extended regular expressions. The original shell script, entitled "sl", came with this description:    : '  : For tired eyes (sigh), do an ls -lF plus whatever other flags you give  : but expand the file size with commas every 3 digits. Really helps me  : distinguish megabytes from hundreds of kbytes...  :  : Corey Satten,, 11/8/89  : '   Of course, some may suggest that fancy new "human friendly" options, like "ls -Shrl", have made Corey's script obsolete. They are probably right. Yet, at times, still I find it handy. The new-fangled "human-readable" numbers can be annoying when I have to glance at the letter at the end to figure out what order of magnitude is even being talked about. (There's a big difference between 386M and 386P!). But with this nifty script, the number itself acts like a histogram, a quick visual indicator of "bigness" for tired eyes. :-)

read squid logs with human-readable timestamp

Output a SSL certificate start or end date
A quick and simple way of outputting the start and end date of a certificate, you can simply use 'openssl x509 -in xxxxxx.crt -noout -enddate' to output the end date (ex. notAfter=Feb 01 11:30:32 2009 GMT) and with the date command you format the output to an ISO format. For the start date use the switch -startdate and for end date use -enddate.

list block devices
Shows all block devices in a tree with descruptions of what they are.

replace spaces in filenames with underscores
This command will replace all the spaces in all the filenames of the current directory with underscores. There are other commands that do this here, but this one is the easiest and shortest.

Set pcap & SUID Bit for priv. network programs (like nmap)

Download entire commandlinefu archive to single file
'jot' does not come with most *nix distros, so we need to use seq to make it work. This version tested good on Fedora 11.

List all installed Debian packages
Should work on all systems that use dpkg and APT package management.

Turn white color to transparent for a series of png images
mogrify can be used like convert. The difference is that mogrify overwrites files: Of course, other source colors can be used as well.

Write comments to your history.
A null operation with the name 'comment', allowing comments to be written to HISTFILE. Prepending '#' to a command will *not* write the command to the history file, although it will be available for the current session, thus '#' is not useful for keeping track of comments past the current session.

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