as explained in the blog post:
Especially good for exported ipython files Show Sample Output
You can get an approximate idea of how long your data export might take. Show Sample Output
raw image created by canon digital camera. Install using apt-get install ufraw
cron entry to record mysql status every minute
username is dba and password is dba123
remove all compressed files in /home/ folder not created in the last 10 days
remove all files in /home/ folder that starts with bk_all_dbProdSlave and not created in the last 2 days
pem file used by AWS servers for additional security
queries related to table 'Invoice_template' Show Sample Output
Manage partial uploads using append option.
Especially useful while syncing to Amazon EC2 instance. avz stands for archive verbose compress
error out to a different file every day if it is part of a cron entry. The backup file will overwrite older version.
Useful command for MySQL Show Sample Output
Select only the files with given name and copy them to /tmp/ folder.
These files should be removed to keep the size of data directory under control. If you exclude the known important file types like frm and MYD then what-ever is left can be either moved or deleted. is the place to record those command-line gems that you return to again and again. That way others can gain from your CLI wisdom and you from theirs too. All commands can be commented on, discussed and voted up or down.
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