Commands by evandrix (49)

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bash: display disks by id, UUID and HW path
Shows a tree of the disks. Requires "tree"

apache statistics

Place the NUM-th argument of the most recent command on the shell
After executing a command with multiple arguments like cp ./temp/ ~/prog/ you can paste any argument of the previous command to the console, like ls -l ALT+1+. is equivalent to ls -l ./temp/ ALT+0+. stands for command itself ('ls' in this case) Simple ALT+. cycles through last arguments of previous commands.

Convert video files to XviD

Generate random number with shuf
If you don't have seq or shuf, bash can be used.

Numeric zero padding file rename
This uses Perl's rename utility (you may have to call it as prename on your box) and won't choke on spaces or other characters in filenames. It will also zero pad a number even in filenames like "vacation-4.jpg".

Realtime apache hits per second
Change the cut range for hits per 10 sec, minute and so on... Grep can be used to filter on url or source IP.

Triple monitoring in screen
This command starts screen with 'htop', 'nethogs' and 'iotop' in split-screen. You have to have these three commands (of course) and specify the interface for nethogs - mine is wlan0, I could have acquired the interface from the default route extending the command but this way is simpler. htop is a wonderful top replacement with many interactive commands and configuration options. nethogs is a program which tells which processes are using the most bandwidth. iotop tells which processes are using the most I/O. The command creates a temporary "screenrc" file which it uses for doing the triple-monitoring. You can see several examples of screenrc files here:

List the Sizes of Folders and Directories
I wanted an easy way to list out the sizes of directories and all of the contents of those directories recursively.

Convert video files to XviD

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