Sample USAGE: f = open(os.path.join(__location__, 'bundled-resource.jpg'));
Revision: HEAD
vs. map(, u'\u2022') Show Sample Output
zsh has a powerful correction mechanism. If you type a command in the wrong way it suggests corrections. What happend here is that dir is an unknown command and zsh suggests gdir, while maybe ls was what you wanted. If you want to execute gdir hit y (yes) If you want to try to execute dir anyway hit n (no) If you want to execute completely different spelt command like ls hit a (abort) and type your command If you want to execute a similar spelt commant like udir hit e (edit) and edit your command. Show Sample Output
g clone --local --bare . /repo.git g remote add alias /repo.git g push alias branch g log -p filename g checkout SHA1_rev g reset --hard g checkout -b new_branch g ls-files --deleted Show Sample Output
`-r script.m` also possible
credit to tumblr engineering blog @ Show Sample Output
Trac 0.12.2-stable Show Sample Output
tutorial @ also see @ for tip: `grep -Po 'name="\K.*?(?=")' file.txt` Show Sample Output
to find occurances of expr1 OR expr2
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