puts command in background and sends its output to nohup.out file it will not die if you log out fromyour shell session ;-)
This command runs your shell script in the background with no output of any kind, and it will remain running even after you logout.
I find it ugly & sexy at the same time isn't it ?
I'm sure this can be piped into another way. Please share!
ignore HUP interruptions
`-r script.m` also possible
Run "ps -x" (process status) in the background every hour (in this example).
The outputs of both "nohup" and "ps -x" are sent to the e-mail (instead of nohup.out and stdout and stderr).
If you like it, replace "ps -x" by the command of your choice, replace 3600 (1 hour) by the period of your choice.
You can run the command in the loop any time by killing the sleep process. For example
ps -x
2925 ? S 0:00.00 sh -c unzip E.zip >/dev/null 2>&1
11288 ? O 0:00.00 unzip E.zip
25428 ? I 0:00.00 sleep 3600
14346 pts/42- I 0:00.01 bash -c while true; do ps -x | mail (...); sleep 3600; done
643 pts/66 Ss 0:00.03 -bash
14124 pts/66 O+ 0:00.00 ps -x
kill 25428
You have mail in /mail/(...)
Show Sample Output
Save all output to a log.
Put this command on /etc/rc.local.
After you execute a command (or shell script) in the background using &, if you logout from the session, the command will get killed. To avoid that, you should use nohup as shown below.
Sends log lines from murmur's (the mumble server's) logfile to syslog.
Put the command in background running state. Apart from that, it also maintains a log file called nohup.out
Starts qbittorrent-nox (or any other program) and dettach it from the terminal it was ran in. When you exit, the program keeps running. Show Sample Output
Run a nohup script in background launched trough a shell script without interrupting the main shell script execution.
this will open the current directory in nautilus detached from your terminal.
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