Commands by pascalvaucheret (10)

  • Lower PowerShell priority, so that to launch processes in the background and work normally with other applications Show Sample Output

    PS> Get-WmiObject Win32_process -filter 'name = "powershell.exe"' | Foreach-Object { $_.SetPriority(16384) }
    pascalvaucheret · 2022-06-16 14:53:28 535
  • Directly download all mp3 files of the desired podcast

    curl | grep -Eo "(http|https)://[a-zA-Z0-9./?=_%:-]*mp3" | sort -u | xargs wget
    pascalvaucheret · 2021-08-09 13:40:26 225

  • 1
    & 'C:\cwRsync_5.5.0_x86_Free\bin\rsync.exe' --force --ignore-errors --no-perms --chmod=ugo=rwX --checksum --delete --backup --backup-dir="_EVAC/$(Get-Date -Format "yyyy-MM-dd-HH-mm-ss")" --whole-file -a -v "//MyServer/MyFolder" "/cygdrive/c/Backup"
    pascalvaucheret · 2020-03-06 10:17:42 179
  • Apart from an exact copy of your recent contents, also keep all earlier versions of files and folders that were modified or deleted. Inspired by EVACopy Show Sample Output

    backup() { source=$1 ; rsync --relative --force --ignore-errors --no-perms --chmod=ugo=rwX --delete --backup --backup-dir=$(date +%Y%m%d-%H%M%S)_Backup --whole-file -a -v $source/ ~/Backup ; } ; backup /source_folder_to_backup
    pascalvaucheret · 2018-08-02 21:27:29 352
  • This takes a picture (with the web cam) every 5 minutes, and send the picture to your e-mail. Some systems support mail -a "References: " so that all video surveillance emails are grouped in a single email thread. To keep your inbox clean, it is still possible to filter and move to trash video surveillance emails (and restore these emails only if you really get robbed!) For instance with Gmail, emails sent to can be filtered with "Matches:" Show Sample Output

    while true ; do fswebcam -d /dev/video0 -r 1280x1024 -F 15 - | uuencode $(date +\%Y\%m\%d\%H\%M).jpeg | mail -s "Video surveillance" $USER ; sleep 300 ; done
    pascalvaucheret · 2016-08-09 14:22:45 14
  • Access a random news web page on the internet. The Links browser can of course be replaced by Firefox or any modern graphical web browser.

    links $( a=( $( lynx -dump -listonly "" | grep -Eo "(http|https)://[a-zA-Z0-9./?=_-]*" | grep -v "" | sort | uniq ) ) ; amax=${#a[@]} ; n=$(( `date '+%s'` % $amax )) ; echo ${a[n]} )
    pascalvaucheret · 2016-07-26 11:52:12 59
  • (In French) Connection aux hotspots FreeWifi, et maintien de la connection active

    while true ; do wget --quiet --no-check-certificate --post-data 'login=my_account_number&password=my_password&submit=Valider' '' -O '/dev/null' ; sleep 600; done
    pascalvaucheret · 2016-07-23 16:34:42 15
  • Sweep and download all mp3 (in French) of "Rendez-vous avec X" (Meet with M. X) of French public radio From 1997 To 2015 Balaye et telecharge les episodes depuis 1997 jusqu'en 2015

    pascalvaucheret · 2015-08-13 21:34:50 12
  • Run "ps -x" (process status) in the background every hour (in this example). The outputs of both "nohup" and "ps -x" are sent to the e-mail (instead of nohup.out and stdout and stderr). If you like it, replace "ps -x" by the command of your choice, replace 3600 (1 hour) by the period of your choice. You can run the command in the loop any time by killing the sleep process. For example ps -x 2925 ? S 0:00.00 sh -c unzip >/dev/null 2>&1 11288 ? O 0:00.00 unzip 25428 ? I 0:00.00 sleep 3600 14346 pts/42- I 0:00.01 bash -c while true; do ps -x | mail (...); sleep 3600; done 643 pts/66 Ss 0:00.03 -bash 14124 pts/66 O+ 0:00.00 ps -x kill 25428 You have mail in /mail/(...) Show Sample Output

    nohup bash -c "while true; do ps -x | mail $USER ; sleep 3600; done" | mail $USER &
    pascalvaucheret · 2013-08-19 17:21:37 20
  • This will send the web page at $u to . To send the web page to oneself, can be replaced by $(whoami) or $USER. The "charset" is UTF-8 here, but any alternative charset of your choice would work. `wget -O - -o /dev/null $u` may be considered instead of `curl $u` . On some systems the complete path to sendmail may be necessary, for instance /sys/pkg/libexec/sendmail/sendmail for some NetBSD.

    { u=""; echo "Subject: $u"; echo "Mime-Version: 1.0"; echo -e "Content-Type: text/html; charset=utf-8\n\n"; curl $u ; } | sendmail $USER
    pascalvaucheret · 2010-02-24 04:18:30 6

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Check These Out

Create a mirror of a local folder, on a remote server
Create a exact mirror of the local folder "/root/files", on remote server 'remote_server' using SSH command (listening on port 22) (all files & folders on destination server/folder will be deleted)

Second pass dvd rip... The set of commands was too long, so I had to separate them into two.
This set of commands will rip a dvd title using a 2 pass mencoder xvid encode. It will provide a great quality rip. It will rip as close to 700MB as possible. (note the bitrate of -700000) Enjoy!

Write comments to your history.
A null operation with the name 'comment', allowing comments to be written to HISTFILE. Prepending '#' to a command will *not* write the command to the history file, although it will be available for the current session, thus '#' is not useful for keeping track of comments past the current session.

defragment files
Thanks to flatcap for optimizing this command. This command takes advantage of the ext4 filesystem's resistance to fragmentation. By using this command, files that were previously fragmented will be copied / deleted / pasted essentially giving the filesystem another chance at saving the file contiguously. ( unlike FAT / NTFS, the *nix filesystem always try to save a file without fragmenting it ) My command only effects the home directory and only those files with your R/W (read / write ) permissions. There are two issues with this command: 1. it really won't help, it works, but linux doesn't suffer much (if any ) fragmentation and even fragmented files have fast I/O 2. it doesn't discriminate between fragmented and non-fragmented files, so a large ~/ directory with no fragments will take almost as long as an equally sized fragmented ~/ directory The benefits i managed to work into the command: 1. it only defragments files under 16mb, because a large file with fragments isn't as noticeable as a small file that's fragmented, and copy/ delete/ paste of large files would take too long 2. it gives a nice countdown in the terminal so you know how far how much progress is being made and just like other defragmenters you can stop at any time ( use ctrl+c ) 3. fast! i can defrag my ~/ directory in 11 seconds thanks to the ramdrive powering the command's temporary storage bottom line: 1. its only an experiment, safe ( i've used it several times for testing ), but probably not very effective ( unless you somehow have a fragmentation problem on linux ). might be a placebo for recent windows converts looking for a defrag utility on linux and won't accept no for an answer 2. it's my first commandlinefu command

Amazing real time picture of the sun in your wallpaper
Changes the wallpaper for the last IR picture of the sun taken by SOHO satellite. Lesser size, try $ curl | xli -onroot -fullscreen -xzoom 120 -yzoom 120 -border black stdin I use inside kalarm(kde), updating every 15 minutes needs xli , curl

Summarize size of all files of given type in all subdirectories (in bytes)
This deals nicely with filenames containing special characters and can deal with more files than can fit on a commandline. It also avoids spawning du.

print/scan lines starting at record ###
Useful for finding newly added lines to a file, tail + can be used to show only the lines starting at some offset. A syslog scanner would look at the file for the first time, then record the end_of_file record number using wc -l. Later (hours, days), scan only at the lines that were added since the last scan.

Find out how much data is waiting to be written to disk
Ever ask yourself "How much data would be lost if I pressed the reset button?" Scary, isn't it?

Download from Rapidshare Premium using wget - Part 2
The download content part. NOTE: the '-c' seems to not work very well and the download stuck at 99% sometimes. Just finish wget with no problem. Also, the download may restart after complete. You can also cancel. I don't know if it is a wget or Rapidshare glitch since I don't have problems with Megaupload, for example. UPDATE: as pointed by roebek the restart glitch can be solved by the "-t 1" option. Thanks a lot.

"I Feel Lucky" for Google Images
prompts for a search term and then pulls down the first result from google images

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