added echo "### Crontabs for $user ####"; to make clear whose crontab is listed.
Changes your desktop background image in gnome. Update the directory to wherever you keep your wallpapers. I like to create a sub-directory in my Wallpaper folder called "cycle" that I use to define the wallpapers I wish to loop in cron. ex:
gconftool-2 -t str -s /desktop/gnome/background/picture_filename "$(find ~/Wallpapers/cycle -type f | shuf -n1)"
Show Sample Output
Cleaner with a mailto assignment in crontab (if the command fails you get an email): 10,30,50 * * * * ping -q -c1 -w3 >/dev/null
This one-liner is for cron jobs that need to provide some basic information about a filesystem and the time it takes to complete the operation. You can swap out the di command for df or du if that's your thing. The |& redirections the stderr and stdout to the mail command. How to configure the variables. TOFSCK=/path/to/mount FSCKDEV=/dev/path/device or FSCKDEV=`grep $TOFSCK /proc/mounts | cut -f1 -d" "` MAILSUB="weekly file system check $TOFSCK " Show Sample Output
The "-u USER" is optional if root user is used
added echo "### Crontabs for $user ####"; to make clear whose crontab is listed.
usage = crontest "/path/to/bin" This version of this function will echo back the entire command so it can be copied/pasted to crontab. Should be able to be automagically appended to crontab with a bit more work. Tested on bash and zsh on linux,freebsd,aix Show Sample Output
This is not exhaustive but after checking /etc/cron* is a good way to see if there are any other jobs any users may have set. Note: this is a repost from a comment "flatcap" made on, for which I am grateful and I take no credit.
Every 20 minutes ping host with IP address If it's not 'alive' or not reachable, then display something eye-catching (here xeyes) on the desktop.
Hint for newbies: edit crontab with
crontab -e
use it to stagger cronjob or to get a random number increase the range by replacing 100 with your own max value Show Sample Output
Every 20 minutes test if host with IP is 'dead' or not reachable. The line should be put in your crontab file. is the place to record those command-line gems that you return to again and again. That way others can gain from your CLI wisdom and you from theirs too. All commands can be commented on, discussed and voted up or down.
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